Love is...

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Before the chapter begins, I want to emphasize the fact that I do not mean to offend anyone. This is an edit. It is also based on that one quote "love is blind. Love is Deaf." I have absolutely no idea who it is by, I have just heard that quote a lot in my life - for some weird reason. This is a request made by someone anonymous, but the thought and the quote is my idea. 

If anyone is offended by it, then I will change it to make everyone more comfortable. I will not take the edit down - unless given the "okay" by the original "author"/creator of this request says otherwise - I will only edit this oneshot story to fit the comfort of my fellow muses. 

I really hope you enjoy this; I like it and find it quite funny [if I do say so myself ;)]


"Hi James." Tony smiled when he saw the soldier.

"Hi, doll."

"You need any help with your arm today? I thought I fixed it all." Tony frowned.

"Oh, no, it's perfect." Bucky nodded.

"I just... I wanted to hang out here." He shrugged.

"I like engines and cars and... the bots." He waved a careless hand in the direction of Dum-E who was putting together a puzzle with U and Butterfingers.

"Yeah, you can hang out down here. As long as you don't mind my music."

"I like it. It's also soothing."

Tony smiled, then went back to working as Bucky went from different tasks.


"Does Tony sing around you guys?"

"Yeah. Sometimes." Some of the members shrugged.

"How come he doesn't sing in front of me?" Bucky frowned as he walked over and started getting his breakfast.

"Oh, no, trust me, Bucky. You do not want Tony to sing in front of you." Clint scoffed.

"Huh? Why not?"

"Look, we all love Tony. We do." Scott ensured.

"Not just for his money, too."

"But his voice..."

"He has a terrible, absolutely tragic voice." Sam cut in.

"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad." Bucky reasoned.

"Trust us. It is bad." They nodded.

Bucky frowned in thought, then turned his head to the engineer when he walked in.

"Hi, doll."

"Hi Jamie." Tony waved at him with a smile.

"People, tomorrow night, we are going out to celebrate the Avengers, so wear something nice." Steve gave them all looks.

"Alright, that's it." He shrugged.

"What's up, Jamie?" Tony turned to the soldier.

"You wanna dance with me at the event?" Bucky smiled.

"Oh, sure. I'd love to, James." Tony smiled back as he sat beside the soldier and took a plate.

"Hmm, good." Bucky hummed happily and ignored the blonde when he kept waving his hands at him.

"Hey, Tony?"


"Can you s-"

"Buck, come here." Steve nudged.

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