After Civil War 2

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"I know, I know, I know. I have no right asking you to do this but he's so happy with us being together so you can go with this tonight then tomorrow him and I will leave so we won't be here at all." Bucky reasoned with the man.

Tony rubbed his temple just to sigh and shrug, "sure, why not?"

"Thank you!" Bucky beamed then hugged the man tightly just for both of them to turn their heads when someone walked through the door.

"Buck, keep it in your pants for once in your life cause I got some catching up to do with him so beat it." Steve shooed him away just to pull the genius to the couch so they could talk while the soldier facepalmed and the billionaire chuckled.

The three hung out together, just like they used to and like nothing was between the brunettes because being with each other just kicked in and was muscle to each of them because of how close they were.

Steve had fallen asleep on the couch while Tony was putting the dishes and cutting up the boxes as Bucky put a blanket over the blonde with a soft hum.

"I can sleep on the floor if that'll make ya more comfortable." Bucky spoke as they were in the room together and deciding on sleeping arrangements.

"No, we can both sleep in the bed." Tony assured him. "I mean, we've done it before and besides, we can do it without having sex." He shrugged. "We're not cavemen." He reasoned.

"Okay." Bucky chuckled then got in the bed once he took off his shirt and was just in some loose sweats while he laid there, next to the man he used to hold but now he couldn't which was why he couldn't sleep.

Tony got in bed as well, wearing an old and oversized shirt that always helped him sleep at night then laid down with a sigh, next to the man he used to snuggle into which helped him sleep all the time and was why he couldn't right now. He turned over to face him then let out a breath. "You could've told me he didn't know, to give me some warning." He reasoned with him through a small whisper.

Bucky turned in the bed to face the man too then scoffed. "Haven't been able to get ahold of ya, love, so how could I?" He smiled softly when he heard the man snort and laugh.

Tony then looked at him and sighed because he didn't really know how to act around him at all now.

Bucky looked at him softly then raised a hand to brush some of the mechanics hair out of his face but forgot about their recent endeavors. "Sorry." He muttered.

"No, uh... no, you're okay." Tony mumbled.

"Okay." Bucky breathed out as he brushed the engineers hair back gently. "Did you see the gift I got you?" He spoke up as he wasn't tired and could the billionaire wasn't either so they might as well talk.

"Yeah, yeah, I did." Tony nodded his head softly as he gave him a soft and grateful smile. "Thank you, by the way. For the record." He whispered.

"You're welcome." Bucky gave him a soft smile back as he missed him. "Hope ya like it." He hummed then let his hand move down to the engineers neck and shoulder to gently touch him.

"Yeah, I-I love it." Tony breathed as he shifted slightly from the soldiers touch.

"This okay?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah, it... it feels nice." Tony muttered. "I... I like it, it's okay." He nodded his head softly.

Bucky hummed just to continue touching his shoulder then ventured down to his stomach as he lifted up the engineers shirt slightly and circled a metal finger over his soft skin ever so gently and carefully as the genius sucked in a breath from the sudden touch.

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