the perfect killers - prequel

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The name's Tony Stark and I am an assassin who works for Stark Industries. Obviously I work there, my fathers the head of the company!

Now, Stark Industries isn't the kind of place you think it is. We find bad guys who are using people and trying to harm others, then take them out. We aren't exactly good with how many people we've killed but we do help other people out if they're in trouble so kinda like an antihero in a way.

Anywhoo! I am actually just about to go on a mission that will change my life forever!

"New mission Stark." An agent sighed as he tossed a folder onto the table in front of the brunette. "You gotta kill this man. He's from Europe and is actually selling drugs to people that he made himself which ends up killing them and he takes their money just to sell to the next person." He explained to the genius. "Now, find him and track him for a while to see where his hideout is then call us in and we'll send some guys with you to help handle the situation." He gave the man a look.

"Fine." Tony sighed as he nodded along then got up just to go get ready for his mission.
Some, okay, fine, most people know me as The Winter Soldier but the name's actually James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky Barnes for short which is personally what I like to be called. Okay! Not the point!

Anyway! I work at a company called HYDRA and I'm gonna be frank with you guys, I have absolutely no idea if we're the good or bad guys cause some of the stuff we do is just a little sketchy if ya ask me but other stuff we do is reasonable and I actually agree with so.

I am an assassin and as you can tell, I work for HYDRA.

And right about... now, I'm gonna get a mission that's going to change me forever.
"Asset!" An agent called out just for the soldier to walk over and wait patiently for his next mission. "I know that you and Cap are great partners together but I only need one of you so this is yours, he was given another assignment which makes this one all yours." He hummed then took out a photo of a man and showed the soldier just to put it back in the folder. "Kill him." He ordered.

"Got it." Bucky sang in a mocking way because in all honesty, not getting any reason as to why he had to kill the people was beyond frustrating but other times, it was easier because then he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he found out just how many innocent lives he's taken all because HYDRA gave him an order and he had to do it.
"Why it's the Captain in red, white, and blue."

"Thanks Tones." The Captain laughed at the comment.

"Hey Cappy." Tony smiled at the blonde. "Whatcha doin' out here all on your lonesome? Ya might get scared." He teased then laughed when he got hit in the arm by the blonde. "Who's your mission Steve?"

"Him." Steve held up a photo of his mission with a shrug and a hum. "How 'bout you?" He hummed.

"This stranger." Tony held up a photo with a sigh.

"You got any other dates tonight?" Steve smirked.

"Why? That an invitation?" Tony teased.

"Never." Steve scoffed as he shook his head lightly.

"Nope." Tony popped the 'p' dramatically. "Nobody seems to believe me when I tell them that I'm not cheating but I can't tell them what I do for a living so it's just... not... easy." He slumped with a sigh.

"Yeah." Steve nodded his head along remorsefully in understanding. "I actually got up-" He then gasped when someone jumped on his back and tackled him to the ground, making him on instant alert but also groan once he face-planted into the floor.

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