"The Princess Diaries 2" 1

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This has been a request and in my drafts for way too long, so I am now posting it after my year long break.

Also, to clear any confusion, Tony is changed to Antonia, or Toni, with an "i" for the story. It makes sense if it's set for a woman, otherwise, some of the stuff wouldn't be happening.

Am I back? I don't know. I am still recovering and I feel the other day, so that pushed my recovery time back a bit as I landed on my hands.

I have more movie requests and am getting them done slowly but surely, so please, bare with me.

Anyway, I hope everyone likes this edit and do not celebrate too early about me being back. I am still focusing on school and going physical therapy to get my wrists better so I most definitely have been preoccupied at the moment.

I miss writing and finishing all these requests, but at the moment it takes me much longer to type than it used to and it hurts so it will definitely take me some time to return, I hope it won't take too long because I miss everything about this app.

Thank you everyone for understanding, and for the love and support that some people have been giving me to recover from my surgery.

For any diehard comic book fans, Jude and Amanda are Tonys birth parents as Maria and Howard adopted him. Just a little bit of information as to why Jude is written in and Amanda is as well. I did change some things though, so Maria is, obviously, the mom, while Amanda is portrayed as the grandma.


"Although your diplomas are equally specific, remember, you are all going out into the world as individuals." The principal spoke.

"I now, proudly present, this year's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs graduating class." He smiled just for the class to stand up, throw their caps in the air, and cheer.

"I'm very proud of you." Jude smiled.


"Dear diary,

Well! It's me!

Brand-new college graduate slash princess.

I can't believe it's been five years since grandma told me I was a princess.

And right after that, my mother surprised me by marrying my high school teacher, Patrick O'Connell.

It must be going well because they are now expecting a baby.

Nat's remained the same, as she continues to cause turmoil, but now as a graduate student at Berkeley, she calls "Berserkely."

How's Steve, you may ask?

Well, we're just friends now, as he went off to tour the country with his band."

"Princess Toni, look out the window," Jude interrupted, "and welcome back to Genovia."

Toni leaned over then gaped when she saw the place.

"It's beautiful." She breathed.

"Of course, I'm completely excited to be going back, but I'm also a bit nervous.

Grandma Amanda will step down by the end of this year as queen, and I'll be taking over, since I'm now 21.

I know I studied diplomacy and political science at school, but there was no course in "Queen" or "How to Run a Country 101."

But grandma's going to help me, and I'll take over when she thinks I'm ready.

Of course, I wonder... will I ever be ready?"

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