The Parent Trap 3

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Peter was on the plane and fidgeting around nervously in his spot, "please like me... please." He whispered as he held the passport tightly to his chest and was sweating like crazy.
Once he got off the plane and into the terminal, Peter got on some of the seats so he could get a better look for his dad.

"Harley Barnes, get down from there you pain." Someone laughed. Peter shot his head to the voice then knew his mouth had parted slightly as he saw his father for the first time in oh so long. "What are you doin' up there punk? Come on." Bucky laughed as he wrapped his arms around the kid to pick him up and hold him as he looked up at his son as well with a smile on his face.

"Pop." Peter breathed out as he looked down at the soldier and just couldn't understand why his father had been so stupid to leave him because this man was absolutely perfect!

Peter and his father actually talked about the soldier a lot when he was younger as well and whenever he asked about what the man looked like, his father would always say one thing - the same thing over and over again - "your father was as handsome as ever." Peter believed it because this man was literally the definition of handsome if anything. How his dad ever let this man get away, he'll never understand because so far, he couldn't find one flaw in him and he honestly doubts he ever will.

"Hey punk." Bucky chuckled lightly then placed him on the ground just to pick up his duffle, toss it over his shoulder while his other arm went over the other kids shoulder next. "Come on punk, ya gotta tell me all 'bout it." He smiled as he walked them to the car.

Peter smiled up at him as he followed him blindly, just wanting to hear him talk as it was so nice to hear with that old accent and old slang.
"Whatcha keep lookin' at me for punk? It's like you haven't seen your own father before." Bucky laughed as he glanced at his son just to go right back to watching the road.

"I just... missed you is all." Peter couldn't stop smiling as he was talking to him or just looking at him because his dad was right, sure this man was definitely older, but you could still tell he was a dream when he was younger. Even now, the man was still a catch and nice to look at but either way, Peter knows why his father was drawn to him, that old way of talking and that hairstyle and the pet names and his looks, he was the real deal obviously!

"Yeah?" Bucky chuckled lightly.

"You have no idea." Peter breathed out.

Bucky glanced at him then laughed as he shoved him away playfully, "will ya stop lookin' at me kid, it's weird and makin' ya look weird too." He scoffed lightly. Peter didn't falter his gaze at the soldier as he just moved back to his original spot in the front seat of the car. "Seriously punk, what's with the stare?" Bucky rolled his eyes dramatically as he could still feel the piercing stare of the kid on him and he didn't like it.

"You really are as handsome as ever." Peter breathed out as he couldn't quite wrap his head around just how good looking this man was, and he gets to call him dad too!

Bucky cracked up at that as he looked at him, checking him as well even though he really shouldn't being that he's driving. "Oh yeah? Whatcha do now punk?" He scoffed.

"Nothing, you're just... a dream." Peter laughed lightly as he couldn't find any other way to describe this man.

Bucky laughed again at that then shoved him away again playfully, "cut with the sweet talk, you're remindin' me of him." He scoffed and rolled his eyes fondly yet dramatically but wen back to driving.

"Remindin' ya of who?" Peter looked at him curiously and confusedly.

"Your dad, that's who." Bucky chuckled lightly.

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