party! 3

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"Alright, we're leaving! And remember! Don't talk to him Buck! When you get there, don't talk to him!" Steve shouted.

"Yeah I heard you the first trillion times you reminded me Steven!" Bucky shouted back.

"Bye asshole!"

"See ya there dipshit!"

Sam laughed at their exchange, "see ya there Barnes.

"You too Wilson." Bucky chuckled.

The brunette had a plan, and he knew it was going to work because he was working with the a mastermind, Clint Barton.

At the mall, he texted the man to get a suit that was the exact same one that he had Steve take a picture of, as well as the shoes. He somewhat blackmailed him, somewhat threatened him, but mostly he just reeled him into it - the man loved pulling pranks on people way too much and Bucky figured that if he told the archer it was a prank then he would be on board so he did... and he was right!

The soldier took out a different suit then got dressed, which was why he didn't go out and say goodbye to the other two in person because he was already wearing the new one and he didn't want Steve to see that he lied to him. Bucky made sure he looked perfect before he left the house and when he felt like he was good, he took his keys then walked out to his car. He hopped in then drove to a Walmart to look for a mask that would cover most of his face but not all of it for the party, then jumped in his car again and sped to the compound, ready to flirt his ass off with the billionaire when he meets him.
The two made it to the compound and gaped when they saw how packed it was.

"This really is a Tony Stark party, ain't it?" Sam smirked.

Steve laughed as he nodded his head, "what a ham." He teased.

The billionaire bounced over to the front to greet the newcomers and beamed when he saw the recognizable faces of Captain America and the Falcon. "Why hello there fellow teammates!" He proclaimed.

They laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Hi Tony." Steve smiled softly at the billionaire.

"You really outdid yourself, didn't ya Stark?" Sam joked.

Tony laughed then nodded his head frantically, "of course! You come to a Tony Stark party, this is a Tony Stark party!" He tossed his hands in the air as he beamed, jumping up and down lightly.

They laughed then waved him off.

"Remember Tony, don't-"

"I know Steven, I closely examined the suit and the outfit so I know exactly who not to talk to and completely ignore." Tony deadpanned. "Come on Stevie, trust me!" The billionaire whined.

The blonde scoffed then nodded his head, sighing in defeat, "alright, I trust you but still. Tony if you so much as-"

"Steve! I promise." The genius took off his mask and gave him a look that basically shouted "trust me."

The Captain sighed in defeat again, nodded his head lightly, "alright then. Let's go to the party."

Tony chirped up, "there ya go Cappy!" He bounced away from them, laughing and shouting loudly when the people at the party started to get crazy ideas that he blindly agreed to.
Bucky made it to the party then called Clint in the car, "I'm here, so you're good."

"This is going to be the best prank yet!" The archer cheered over the phone.

The soldier scoffed then shut his phone, getting out of his car and walking towards the compound, nervous about finally getting to talk to the billionaire without Steve interrupting or making sure they are at least 20 feet apart from each other.

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