The Parent Trap 6

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Vicky was in the car, in one of the soldiers shirts as they were all ready to get going except for the genius who still wasn't in the car.

"Tones, get in the car." Bucky sighed as he was so annoyed of everyone just testing his patience at the moment.

"No, I think that you should go on the trip without me." Tony suggested and the kids started to whine and protest but the billionaire waved them off. "Vicky can know the kids and I'll just stay at the house to be with Steve and Kent to help around the house." He shrugged. "Have fun." He smiled as he tapped the car to indicate for them to head off.

"No, wait, if you're not going, then I'm not-" Vicky went to get out but then car started so Tony waved them goodbye then headed inside once the car was out of view.
They made it in time for them to start hiking with enough light in the sky so they could hike in the daylight still.

"Hang on guys, let's take a break." Bucky stopped the two from carrying on when he noticed his fiancé needed a break.

"But pop!" Harley whined.

"Vicky isn't used to this so we'll take a break." Bucky gave his son a look then took a drink of his water.

Vicky was looking for her water then rose a brow when one of the twins handed her a water container, "what you do to it?"

"Nothing, you just look like you want water so here." Harley shrugged as he held it out for her.

"Well thanks." Vicky huffed then took it from him. She put the end against her lips then looked on the container just for her eyes to widen when she saw a lizard on the bottle, making her jump and screech, "get it away! Get it away! Get it away! I hate them! I hate them!" She shivered as she ran behind the soldier to get away from the lizard.

Bucky looked over then picked up the creature and chuckled lightly, "it's just a little salamander." He wiggled it in front of her and she screeched so he just handed it to one of his kids to take away from her. "Come on guys, let's continue on." He suggested and they carried on.
"You just hit these sticks together and it gets rid of the mountain lions. Scares them away!" Harley banged two sticks together for emphasis as he was talking to his twin.

"Are there really mountain lions here?" Peter went along with it.

"Oh yeah! An old Indian scout told me all about them so I know this trial like the back of my hand." Harley assured then they got up and he hit the sticks together as they carried on the trail.

Vicky heard that then picked up two sticks and followed them as she started to hit them together as well.
When they finally got to the camp site, they were eating the fish they caught and Vicky was complaining about it the whole time.

"I hate this, it's like they like this stuff." Vicky groaned as she wouldn't stop swatting away mosquitos.

"Lemme see it." Bucky held out his hand to see what she was using. He put some on his hand then smelled it and furrowed his brows then licked it and laughed, "it's nothing but sugar and water." He scoffed. "Ya use this, that'll bring all the mosquitos within a 5 mile radius to ya." He chuckled. "Where'd ya get this from?" He looked at her expectantly.

"An old Indian scout told me about it." Vicky groaned as she looked at the twins accusingly. Bucky looked at them too then hid his smirk as he tossed the bottle to his other side. "I'm going to bed." Vicky huffed as she got up then took the sticks and started to hit them together as she made her way to the tent.

"Uh, Vick?" Bucky turned to face her as he furrowed his brows. "What are you doing?" He gave her a look of confusion and expectancy.

"I'm keeping the mountain lions away." Vicky stated simply. Bucky made a face as he got up to walk over to her and take the sticks away from her but she was waving them around so he couldn't. "Ya know, the noise scares them... away." Vicky then huffed as she dropped the sticks and stormed into her tent.

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