The Parent Trap 4

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By the time Tony and Harley got to California, it had been 4 days that had passed.

When the two made it home, Harley jumped out then rushed inside. "Cap!" He smiled brightly at the blonde who was in the kitchen.

"There's Harley!" Steve laughed then rushed over and gave him a hug.

"Hey guys." Tony smiled softly at them as he waved at the two as well.

They both looked at him the smiled at him too.

"Hey Tones." Sam smirked then walked over and hugged him.

"I knew ya missed me birdy." Tony teased once they broke away from the hug.

"In your dreams Stark." Sam smirked.

"Now what are you doing in my dreams?" Tony mocked then laughed as he was hit in the arm lightly by him.

Steve walked over then hugged the billionaire, "hi Tony." He smiled softly at him.

"Hi Cappy." Tony smiled back at the blonde once they broke away as well.

Peter walked down then beamed when he saw his father so he rushed over to him, "dad!" He smiled and jumped on the engineer.

"Jesus!" Tony scoffed as he suddenly felt two kids tackling him. "Yeah, I'm here. Now get up Pete, we gotta go." He chuckled lightly.

"We in time?" Harley looked at his twin intensely.

"Just barely." Peter sighed.

"Time for what?" Tony furrowed his brows as he looked between everyone now.

"You didn't tell him?" Peter gaped.

"I thought we had time!" Harley defended.

"Time for what?" Tony groaned as he hated not knowing anything.

"Well, uh... Pop's getting married again." Peter broke the news to his father.

Tony froze for a second as he wasn't expecting that but then he scoffed, "so? He's an adult and so am I, he wants to get married, then let him." He shrugged.

"No! Dad! She's a witch! A monster!" Peter exclaimed while the other two were laughing but still agreeing with the kid nonetheless.

"Come on, let's take you upstairs to get unpacked, they can tell you all about her." Steve took his bags as he started to walk towards the stairs with everyone else as well.
Bucky headed into the house as he went to get a beer then scoffed when he heard someone talking to him.

"Hey pop!" Harley smiled at his father.

"Oh, now you're talking to me, are ya?" Bucky turned around to face his son.

"What?" Harley furrowed his brows.

"Listen to me Harley, I can get married to whomever I want and whenever I want and you or anybody else can ever change my mind." Bucky walked over to the brunette as he looked at him intensely.

"What are you-"

"Don't pretend like you haven't been sulking around, ignoring me, and just acting like a complete child right now." Bucky warned him. "I am an adult and I can make my own decisions so quit with this petty, childlike behavior, and start acting your own God damn age." He huffed.

"Oh! Uh, right!" Harley caught on, sort of. "Right, you are absolutely right. I've been completely childish about this whole thing." He agreed.

"Exactly, that's better." Bucky hummed then went to open his beer when the doorbell rang. "Oh, that's the minister and Vicky and her mother." He turned back to his son to point a finger at him. "Now you be nice, ya hear?" He warned then handed him the beer so he could meet the minister without a drink in his hands. He then realized how that looked then grabbed it back and nudged his son to follow him to the door, "now, be nice Harley." He warned then opened the door for all of them. "Hi Vicky." He smiled at her then welcomed all of them inside.

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