party! 4

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Clint smirked, holding his hands up defensively, "I'm just sayin' that whatever you get him, ya never have to worry about him not liking it because he loves anything you get him." He then turned his attention to something that caught his attention. "He still has the bear that you got him, he doesn't let anyone touch it or anything." He carried on with his previous statement. Bucky was examining the sweatshirt, starting to think of actually getting it for the billionaire when he whipped his head back to face the archer when he heard him. He got a wide smile on his face when he heard the engineer still kept it, making him giddy at the thought. "When you got him those flowers, I'm pretty sure he cried because honestly, I don't think anybody has ever done that for him." He waved it off like it was nothing, almost like he was telling the soldier about a topic that bored him. Bucky continued listening to the man talk about Tony, always loving to hear about the shorter brunette but also because he wanted to hear about anything else the man kept that he got him. "When you hired a band for him, I'm pretty sure he flopped his head on the table from embarrassment, which by the way." Clint turned to the soldier with a laugh, "when we heard that it came in the middle of a meeting, we all died from laughter because of how badly Tony was blushing." Bucky burst out laughing from the comment, holding his stomach to keep himself up right. Clint laughed too. "He would never admit it but he loved it because not only did he die from laughter but also because, again... I don't think anybody has ever done that for him." He turned back to looking at a shirt that he liked, chuckling when he heard the soldier laughing. "He still has the flowers that you got him, he waters them everyday and he won't let any of us touch them for some damn reason." Clint grumbled when he remembered something. "I try to move them one time! One... God damn time! and I get penaled for life!" Clint ranted, groaning in the process.

Bucky continued laughing, "what did he do?" He asked between laughs.

Clint turned his head to face the soldier with a look that the brunette couldn't place. "I wanted to move them out the way because I had some paperwork to do and he saw me going to touch the vase. The next morning, I woke up covered in honey, syrup, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream all over my bed and myself!" Clint exclaimed, starting to get very worked up at the remembrance of his little trauma. "I asked him what he did that for and he said, nobody touches them." He mocked the billionaire, acting like a snooty and stuck up child. "After that, none of us have ever touched the flowers sitting on the island in the kitchen of the compound." Clint shivered slightly then turned to Bucky. "none. of us." He said with a fearful and stern look, clarifying himself to the soldier. Bucky felt flattered by the fact that the billionaire did that all because of the flowers he got him but then he cracked up when he heard what happened to Clint.

"When Steve and Sam came over to talk about a mission, Steve went to move the flowers and we all yelled at him, warning him about what would happen if he moved them but he didn't listen." Clint shrugged his shoulders like "what are you gonna do?" He turned back to the Veteran when he remembered something, "there's a reason why Steve came home one time with a bunch of paint and glitter on him Buchanan." He smirked when he heard the man crack up even more. "Tony saw Cap go to move it and he actually let him, which made all of us surprised, but then we realized later on, why he did that." He went back to looking at something while he still smirked as he talked. "He told Steve to go get him something from a room, that I forget which one, and when the blonde walked through, he got drenched in paint then glitter fell down on him once the pain stopped falling on him." He grinned when he saw the man hold onto one of the shelves for support. "Steve got absolutely pissed but Tony wasn't phased by the blonde. To be honest, I think the only person Tony's scared of when they get mad at him is probably Pepper but that's it. The rest of us, he doesn't care, he couldn't give a crap about it when we yell at him." He waved it off.

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