happy birthday!!

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"Damn it Steve!" Bucky groaned as he got up from the floor to glare at his best friend.

"Get up you asshole, it's your birthday and I have a surprise for you." Steve ordered him to get dressed as he then walked out to the kitchen and waited.

Bucky grumbled as he got dressed then turned around when he needed to find a shirt. He gasped and jumped slightly when he felt someone hug him from behind then turned his head just to smile softly once he saw the person. "Good morning love." He turned around completely then hugged the billionaire properly and kissed his head softly.

"Good morning amore mio." Tony spoke up then looked up at him to kiss the soldier softly.

"What are you doin' up so early little one?" Bucky chuckled lightly at how tired the man seemed to be.

"I had to surprise the birthday boy before he left me, didn't I?" Tony smiled up at him. Bucky snorted as he rolled his eyes fondly from that comment then kissed the top of his head softly. "Happy birthday amore mio." Tony nuzzled his nose in the Veterans cheek as best he could which didn't really work out for him because of how short he was compared to the man, it ended up him nuzzling his nose under his jaw. "Be safe nencito." He spoke softly as he spoke in Spanish from the Veteran having told him what that word meant so now he calls him that.

"Thank you love." Bucky traced his back soothingly as he held him close. "I will little one, don't worry kitten, I'll always come back to you." He assured him then gave the man a soft kiss to his nose.

"Where is Steve taking you?" Tony asked curiously.

"No idea." Bucky sighed then tugged his shirt on just to go right back to holding the mechanic.

"Let me know when you get back cause I have a surprise for you too." Tony started to play with the soldiers shirt collar slightly.

"Alright love, I will." Bucky smiled.

"Buck!" Steve shouted at him as he was stalking towards his room to drag the man out of his room.

Tony gasped then kissed the soldier softly just to rush into his closet so the blonde didn't see them.

Now, you may be wondering, why have they not told the Captain they were dating.

Well, they tried to once but that backfired... majorly! 
"Hey Stevie, I gotta question for ya." Bucky nudged the blondes foot as they were lounging around outside, all of them, just enjoying the Spring weather.

"What's up Buck?" Steve faced him as they were actually the only two that were sitting down being that everybody else was play fighting/wrestling, testing out some gadgets made by the genius, or on the other end of the backyard gossiping - which you apparently had to only be girls being that ever time one of the guys tried to join in, the girls would shout and shoo them away for interrupting them.

"How would you feel if someone was dating another person on the team?" Bucky wormed his way towards where he was going with this.

"Like Wanda and Vision and Hope and Scott?" Steve furrowed his brows.

"Yeah!" Bucky perked up at that.

"Depends." Steve shrugged.

"On what?" Bucky spoke timidly now.

"Well who we talkin' 'bout dating another member on the team?" Steve counter-acted.

"Me." Bucky gestured to himself.

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