New Years

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I honest to God only did this because I love the show FRIENDS and wanted to try - TRY - to work this into the Avengers because honestly, sometimes, the characters from each can be so similar that it's honestly scary sometimes.

Anyway!! Enjoy my loves!
"You ready for this New Year!" Clint cheered as he bounced over to the two brunette's.

"You're a child Clint." Tony deadpanned at the archer.

"Alright, you're in a mood." Clint scoffed then looked at the two and furrowed his brows, pointing between them as well. "What's the matter?" He pouted slightly as they shouldn't be upset because of the new year, they should be excited!

"We wanted to kiss at midnight but nobody is going to so." Bucky shrugged while the billionaire sighed with a small pout.

"Alright, I got this." Clint hummed then walked over to their friends.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." Bucky tried to grab the archer before he made things worse for them.

Tony's eyes widened and he too grabbed for the man but it didn't work, "no, Clint." He groaned when he started talking to someone else.
"Bruce, who are you kissing at midnight?" Clint walked up to the doctor who was currently getting something to drink from the multiple coolers of drinks they had at the compound right now.

"Uh, we have to kiss someone?" Bruce gave the archer a look as he was putting some ice into his cup.

"Of course, I'm kissing my wife." Clint pointed to his wife who was talking to the girls and some of the other guys as well. "Obviously speaking." He boasted with a smug smirk on his face. "So, who are you kissing, Nat or Tony or Bucky or-"

"Alright, I get it." Bruce scoffed as he then started to put some seltzer into his cup. "Uh, why would I kiss Bucky or Tony?" He gave the archer an unamused look.

"Well, ya can't kiss Wanda or Vision, they're already dating." Clint listed off. "Ya can't kiss Thor as he's back with Jane." He pointed to the two who were talking to some of the others. "Nor can you kiss Hope cause she's with Scott." He pointed to the two who were separated, talking to different people, but they were back together again so life was good for the two. "That leaves Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Tony. Of course there's Nat but pick your poison." He shrugged.

"And I have to kiss someone because?..." Bruce gave him a look as he then took a sip of his seltzer just to break away with a hum.

"Cause, it's New Years." Clint scoffed. "Kinda weird if I'm kissing my wife, Thor is kissing Jane, Scott is kissing Hope, and Vision is kissing Wanda for New Year's when nobody else in our group is kissing anybody." He planted his hands on his hips as he looked at him like a mother would at her children.

"I'm not kissing Tony, nor am I kissing Bucky or Steve or Sam but I'm also not-"

"Alright." Clint hummed. "Nat!" He called out then walked off to go find the red-head while the doctor grabbed for him but he wasn't quick enough as the archer had already left.

"I hate him." Bruce deadpanned to nobody in particular but the annoyance was still there.

"Nat, you kissing Bruce on New Year's?" Clint looked at her intensely.

"Uh, why?" Nat furrowed her brows at the question.

"Cause, ya can't kiss Wanda or Vision or Scott or Hope or Thor or Jane or me or my wife so ya gotta pick someone." Clint shrugged.

"Why would I want to kiss any of the girls you dirty minded perv?" Nat looked unamused.

"I don't know Nat, okay? You're hard to read but who are you kissing?" Clint groaned. "Hang on, lemme put it this way." He waved off when he didn't get a response from her after a couple seconds. "You're kissing Bruce." He informed.

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