"is it supposed to hurt this much?"

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Everybody knows that Bucky Barnes was a playboy back in the 40s, the fact that he's a really good looking guy and an army man doesn't make it any better. The man could have girls swooning with just a wink while he could also have guys fawn over him or wish to be him.

Tony Stark knew all about this playboy and he absolutely hated it! It wasn't because he was jealous that the man took his title, he was glad that people didn't pin him to that "brand" anymore. What he was mad about was the fact that he fell for it too. That damn Brooklyn drawl, a flirty smile, and a wink had Tony weak in the knees for the soldier. It especially didn't help with the fact that the man was an army man, it just made Tony crazy about him even more. Tony never knew that he would be the one to fall into the trap of a playboy because he knows all the signs, all the tricks, and all the pickup lines so he knew exactly what to look out for. He thought that he would be the one to walk away and laugh at the person for using those tricks on him but that was the problem, it was the exact opposite. The older brunette really knew how to talk a person up, really knew how to flirty and boy did he know how to talk with Brooklyn accent of his! It was so frustrating and damn intriguing! It's what always had Tony wanting to talk to the man even more, craving his touch, his attention, his affection, but most importantly, craving to just be his! While Tony still did send flirty comments to waitresses, some winks to bartenders, or whatever to woman that he knows he will never see again, it wasn't anything. He just did it because it was a reflex of his from his former playboy ways that he couldn't quite shake. What killed him the most was the fact that Tony believed that Bucky would be the same way - a used to be playboy - but it seems that the man just didn't want a relationship. Tony thought that because of HYDRA and everything happening with the world, the man would actually want something stable and real in his life but the soldier was still picking up girls at bars, bartenders from when they all would go out drinking after a mission, or anybody of the female gender wherever they went! Which was why Tony never let Bucky see how much of an affect the man has on him. When the soldier talks to him, Tony always gives him straight to the point answers or sarcastic ones. If the Veteran sees him in the compound, Tony always makes sure to show the man that those pet names don't work on him. When they're training, and Tony gets paired up with Bucky, he always makes sure to never hold back at fighting him because of how angry he is with himself for falling for the older brunette while the man doesn't look at him like that. Tony makes sure that whenever Bucky is the topic at hand or if he's talking to him face-to-face, the man never! finds out how much of an affect he has over the billionaire because that would ruin absolutely everything!
They were all at a bar and Bucky was currently talking a girl up while Tony was drinking, not alcohol, he no longer drinks, he gets water or seltzer-water when they go out to a bar. He wants to go back to drinking, he craves it almost as much as he craves the soldiers touch but he doesn't do anything about it because he knows that once he starts drinking, he's not going to stop and if he doesn't stop then Tony is going to tell everybody everything!

Tony was talking to one of the bartenders, laughing to one of the jokes the guy made and actually having a nice conversation with him when someone placed a hand on his back, making him jump and whip his head around to face the person. He rose a brow when he saw Steve staring the guy down, looking like he was going to fight or kill him. "Uh, Steve? What are you doing?" Tony tugged on his arm, glancing between the two.

"Come on Tony, let's go." Steve took the billionaires arm and nudged the man away from the bar.

Tony rose a brow but got up, "alright, fine!" He turned back to the bartender and smiled softly at them, "bye! It was nice meeting you."

The man smiled back at him with the same amount of enthusiasm, waving at him lightly, "bye! It was nice to meet you too!" They shouted back.

Tony hummed then turned to the blonde and slapped him in the chest, "dude! What the hell was that for?" He gave him a look.

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