The Proposal 5

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"I can't believe this is happening." Peggy giggled.

"My mother made all of these suits and dresses by hand." She explained as the man was trying on the tux. "In this very shop. In 1929." She smiled. "It's funny how things come back in style."

"Just... just finishing up the buttons." Tony reasoned.

"Yeah, and don't worry about the fit because Peggy is the best tailor in northwest Indiana." Winifred complimented.

"Oh... pssh." Peggy waved off.

"Wow. Incredible." Tony spoke as he walked out in the suit. "Maybe a tad loose in certain areas, but otherwise..." He shrugged.

"Oh, yeah, well, Bucky is going to be wearing the suit his father wore on his wedding day. I already altered it." Peggy waved. "You are wearing a newly made suit."

"We knew Bucky was gay so we just had to keep some different materials on standby for whenever he would get married."

"Oh, let's see if we can find your ass." She reasoned as she was poking through the pants. "They're in there somewhere."

"Yes. Yes, they are." Tony nodded and was confused by the comments.

"It's an Easter egg hunt."

"Hmm," Tony chuckled at the notion, "maybe it shrunk in the cold Indiana air." He lightly joked, causing the two to start laughing.

"Ooh! There they are."

"That... yes. That would be... my ass." Tony agreed as the woman was outlining his ass with pins on where to alter it.

"Ya know, I was thinking, if you'd like, um, maybe we could head down your way for the holidays this year." Winifred smiled as she was in the front working on pinning the chest.

"Oh, that-that would, uh... that would be nice." Tony nodded. "Or maybe we could come to you, too."

"Well, that would be lovely." Winifred beamed.


"I would like that very much." Winifred sniffled as she started to cry at the thought.

"Oh, Winifred, for God's sake. We got work to do." Peggy lightly scolded.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Go make yourself a cup of tea. I'll finish this. Go." Peggy urged away and then continued with pining the suit. "Now, let's make this absolute perfection."

After a while of altering the suit, Peggy opened up a jewelry box and took out a necklace to put around the man's neck, "now, just one special touch and you're ready."

"It's been in their family for more than 150 years." She explained.

"Oh, Peggy, it's beautiful, but I don't really think..."

"Ay, ay, ay. Shh. I'm not finished." Peggy silenced.

"Oh, sorry." Tony stopped talking.

"Winifred's great-grandfather gave it to her great-grandmother when they got married. They were quite a scandal, you know." Peggy sighed. "He was Russian and she was Tlingit, and back then you had to get approval from every member of the tribe before you got married." She gestured. "Almost broke them up." She nodded.

"Well... how did they stay together then?"

"She was a lot like you. Tough." Peggy smiled. "Wouldn't take "no" for an answer." She chuckled. "She was good for him. I want you to have it."

"I-I-I can't. I can't take this." Tony shook his head lightly in protest.

"I don't wanna hear it." Peggy shushed. "Winifred wanted me to pass it onto you and I'm doing my part in the blessing as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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