Disney Dates

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I literally just got this idea!!

I saw a TikTok and this couple was doing this so I figured, hey! Bucky would 100% be the biggest Disney nerd as he's from the time when Disney started off and sure it wasn't that popular but he still supported it so of course he's going to love it! 

Anyway, shot summary, Bucky LOVES Disney!!! 

Hope you enjoy!!
"Where are you amore mio? Come here. I have a surprise for you." Tony looked around their home for his husband.

"Is it a puppy!" The man rushed out from the living room excitedly as he looked at the billionaire eagerly.

"No, it's not a puppy." Tony chuckled lightly at his husbands excitement. "Look. I made these little ideas for our dates for the next couple weekends." He showed the soldier the envelopes he made that had the date and what they were going to have for dinner that night inside.

"Ooo! Cool." Bucky hummed as he was intrigued instantly.

"Alright, so pick one of these, uh, I don't know, like, 15 cards." Tony shrugged as he didn't count how many he made but he knows he made a good amount for them.

"Alright." Bucky hummed then looked away as he reached out for a card then moved around to keep the suspense up.

"Just pick a damn card Bucky." Tony scoffed as the Veteran was just touching each card randomly.

"Alright, alright. Geez." Bucky sighed then took one just to open his eyes and hold it out for the genius to take. "What do I do now?" He looked at his husband expectantly who snorted and chuckled.

"Now we open it to see which date we go on." Tony took the card then opened it just for it to reveal the movie 'Tangled' which he showed to the soldier who made a face.

"I've never heard of that movie before. Is it good?" Bucky looked at the billionaire curiously.

"I love that movie!" Tony gasped dramatically at him while the soldier scoffed and rolled his eyes at him dramatically as well but also fondly.

"Terribly sorry." Bucky mocked then laughed when the genius hit him lightly.

"Come on nencito, let's go get the stuff for our date!" Tony cheered then headed out so they could head to the store.

Every week, the couple goes on a date, it could be on the Friday or Saturday or Sunday but one thing is for certain, neither can skip it.

Bucky once had to be called in for work so he couldn't really help but skip their usual weekend date so when he got back, he got the silent treatment from the billionaire for a day and a half in return for him being gone that time.

The same thing happened to Tony but it was for his company so he couldn't make it so in return, Bucky gave him the silent treatment as well.

After that, everyone now knows that on the weekends, you never ask for either brunette's for they're having their date night sometime throughout the week.
"We need this and this and ooo! We don't really need this for the date but it could be good for the week." Tony hummed as he was picking things out for them and putting them in the cart while the Sergeant was pushing said cart around for him.

"What else do we need to get love?" Bucky looked at him expectantly as he was ready to have their date night.

"Uh, wine." Tony hummed then they headed to the checkout, paid, put their stuff in the car, then drove off to Bottle King to get the wine.

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