the voices

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Bucky, for some reason, still 'heard' the Winter Soldier in his head. 

Around Steve, sometimes, it would be exactly what he didn't want to do with him because that's his best friend for goodness sakes! 

Stab him. 


He won't expect it. 

He's not even paying attention. 

Around Natasha, it sometimes made him laugh because his mind would be way too fuzzy in the morning once he just woke up or at night when he's really tired to be awake. 

She's a threat... Very dangerous indeed. 

Watch her every move for we don't know what she's going to do. 

Wait! You see that!? You saw that?! She moved... she could be attacking but it's too close to call so watch her every move. 

Around Clint, he doesn't even think the Winter Soldier even knew the man was an Avenger. 

Take his bow, let's watch him throw a fit. 

Call him pigeon. 

Hi pigeon!! 

Good morning penguin!! 

Those comments always made him laugh because why would he ever call him a pigeon or a penguin? 

Sam was different. The Soldier probably remembered him trying to fight him oh so many years ago which was why he was sometimes 'tense' around him. 

Stab or watch him?... decisions, decisions. 

He's taking a knife, quick, take out your gun...... oh wait, that's a butter knife. He's just buttering his bread, never mind. We're good. Forget the gun, well, for now... 

Come on birdy, fight me! 

Scott wasn't that bad either, it was just amusing about what the Soldier thought he was. 

He thinks he's an ex convict. The most criminal thing he's ever done, aside from going off with Captain America, was probably stealing a slushie from Baskin Robins... and they're not even that good so what was the point? 

Ants, ants, ants. Who cares? I say squish 'em. 

Scarlet Witch is basically the same as Natasha Romanoff and it makes Bucky amused to no end sometimes. 

Alright Witch, I'm just getting a drink, nothing suspicious about it at all.... 

Keep an eye on her, she blinked so maybe she's talking in code with Natalia about how they're going to kill us... stay on alert. 

I vote we keep a tracker on her, just in case.... for precautionary measures. 

She's going to kill us! I repeat, this is not a drill! Not a drill!!! Oh, wait, never mind, she's just using her powers to get some bagels. False alarm, back to work people! 

Around the team altogether, it was very different and weird to him sometimes. 

I am the Darkness. 

I hate everyone, everything and if you come any closer to me, I will murder you with my left pinkie, try me bitch. 

No I will not take orders from you Captain, I am a stone-cold killer that I could snap your neck right now then go and order some sandwiches, try me white boy. 

The only one Bucky didn't mind the Soldier 'talking' about was Tony. It was very realistic and exactly how he felt about the billionaire once he got to know him and befriend him.

He shall be protected at all costs, glare at anyone that gets near him I say.

Don't even think about raising your voice with him Steven, back the fuck up you punk ass white boy, you ain't touchin' this tiny and beautiful man.

Natalia Romanova, you even think about tellin' him what to do one more time, I swear to the Lord Almighty, I will fight you and I've trained you before, I can do it again... try me.

Barton! You pull that prank on him, you will fully understand the meaning of 'a slow and painful death.'

You are perfect Tony Stark, don't listen to them kitten. 

Bucky was still confused about not only how to feel towards, act around, or talk to the team but around Tony - he never had to think twice with him because the brunette was absolutely adorable and perfect. 

Decided to do some fluff with the Winter Soldier and I actually had this headcanon for a while but I just kept forgetting it and would say that I would write it later but the I would forget so now that it's fresh in my mind hole, enjoy!!! 

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