Chapter 68

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Your POV:

After a while of looking, Luke and I found an old jedi temple which we worked on to make it perfect and look good as new.

We found a few jedi, making an oath that we would train them into strong and faithful jedi.

A few days ago, I found out a piece of news which I don't know how to tell Luke about. The past weeks have been hard for me. I've been feeling extremely sick so it was hard when it came ti training the young jedi.

"Good morning class." I say, entering to room, each of the younglings smiling as I enter.

"Good morning Master Skywalker!" They all smile, their excited little faces just waiting to get started. Although Luke and I have been married for a while now, I still can't get used to being called Master Skywalker.

"Today we will be learning how to use the force to move an object. It sounds very simple but it will take practice." I say.

For about 20 minutes, the younglings try but since this is their first lesson, they don't get it straight away.

I hear a cough from the entrance way and I turn to see Luke who calls me over. I smile walking over to him. "We may have another jedi who is willing to help train the younglings. Well another two. They were around during order 66." Luke says and my eyes widen. We could always use the extra help.

Luke leads me outside where a big ship is waiting. There are four people and a little droid waiting. There is a short Latero, an older women, a man with red hair and a woman who looks like a Nightsister. I heard about those. I only thought they were a myth.

"Y/N, these are the jedi." Luke says, gesturing to the older woman and the red head.

The woman hold out her hand and I shake it. "I'm Cere. I was once a jedi Master before order 66." She says, her straight face never changing.

I then look at the man beside her and he gives me a smile, also shaking my hand. His little droid beeps and climbs on his shoulder.

"My name's Cal Kestis. It's nice to meet you in person." He says, stepping back a bit. I smile at them all, looking back at Luke.

"They want to help. We could always use the help Y/N." Luke convinces me. I nod, smiling at them. They seem trustworthy enough.

"Right you are Luke. Welcome to the new jedi order Cere, Cal." I say, smiling again. They nod their head and I pull Luke to the side.

"What's the matter Y/N? Do you not trust them?"

"No I trust them. This isn't about them. I just... I need to tell you something." I say and Luke's face drops.

"Is everything alright Y/N?" He gets worried for a moment, his smile dropping instantly.

"Yes I'm fine. You see... the thing is... kriff, I'm not sure how to tell you this so I'm going to come straight out with it. Luke... I'm pregnant."

Luke says nothing for a moment before a stupidly large grin appears on his face. He picks me up, spinning me around and I laugh as he kisses me quickly.

"I'm gonna be a father!"

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now