Chapter 54

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Your POV:

Making sure to be as quiet as possible, we made our way through the forest, sticking together. Luke stops me from going any further, signaling everyone to crouch down.

I look across the greenery, spotting a few scout troopers next to their speeder bikes. "What do we do now?" I ask quietly. Luke goes to get up but Han stops him.

"No, wait here. Chewie and I will take care of them." Han orders, wondering off with Chewie. I shake my head, sighing at his behaviour. "You know, this isn't going to work."

"Have a little faith in him."

Han unfortunately steps on a twig, causing it to snap, alerting the scout trooper. Two of the troopers begin to speed off. "I knew this wouldn't work. Hey! Wait up!"

Luke and Leia grab one of the speeder bikes, following the troopers. However, I see another also about to set off. I rush towards another abandoned bike, starting it up.

"Han! Stay with the group, I'll follow that one!" I order, speeding off before he responds.

I carefully steer my way through the foliage, following the trooper. Whilst doing so, I look down at the controls, trying to figure out how to work the bike.

"Aha! Found it!"

I push the button, setting of a streak of blaster fires towards the trooper. The blasts knock the trooper off his bike, blowing it up. "Yes!"

I divert my attention to the explosion behind me, not paying attention to my surroundings.

The next thing I know, a large vine latches onto my speeder bike, sending me flying towards a tree. My back hits the tree and I yelp out in pain.

My vision blurs for a few moments and I close my eyes to try not think about the pain in my back. However, when I reopen my eyes, a small group of bear like creatures are making their way towards me, spears in hand.

"Who are you? I'm not going to hurt you." I say, holding my hands up in surrender. Wait, I remember learning about these guys. They're Ewoks right?

The Ewoks look at me for a few moments before putting down their weapons. "My name's Y/N. I'm here with the rebellion to stop the empire. I need to get back to my friends." I tell them.

They all look at me in confusion before speaking amongst themselves in their native language. One of them pulls on my sleeve, leading me somewhere.

I follow the Ewoks for a short time before we reach a rather large tree sanctuary. "Wow! This place is amazing!"

The Ewoks respond with happy noises, leading me into a hut. Upon entering, I see a familiar face.

"Leia! Oh thank the force you're okay? Where are the others? Where's Luke?" I question. She looks at me, bringing me in for a hug.

"I'm not sure. We split off during the chance. I'm assuming Luke went back to the others." Leia tells me. I nod in response, connecting with the force. Nothing seems to be weird and I sense the others are still alive and well.

Suddenly, there is a loud ruckus coming from outside the hut Leia and I are both in. Well, that must be them. Just. On. Time.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now