Chapter 62

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Your POV:

"What are they doing here?!" An angry man shouts, referring to the Tusken Raiders. I make my way over to Mando who is talking to Cobb.

"Hey, what's all this about? You putting together an army?" I ask.

"We agreed that the Tuskens and our people would help kill the same dragon. That's the only way." Mando replies to which Cobb nods his head once. "I can help out." I say, placing a hand on my lightsaber.

Suddenly, I feel a small tug at my pants leg. I look down towards a small green creature. That looks like a baby version of Master Yoda.

The small child raises its arms, as if wanting to be picked up. I reach down, picking up the child as it made small cute noises. "Hello little one. Aren't you cute." I say, causing the child to smile, tilting its head a little.

"This is the child. I'm on a mission to return him to his home planet." Mando adds, walking next to me. The child turns to me and smiles once again.

"I'll take care of him whilst you finish getting the supplies ready. If that's okay with you?" I suggest. Mando nods, walking over to the Tuskens and villagers who are setting up imploders and other gadgets.

I walk over to one of the huts, sitting on a step, placing the child beside me. He sits down, staring at the floor. Suddenly, a womp rat scurries across the sand and the child raises a hand towards it. The womp rat stops and begins levitating in the air, slowly coming towards us.

"Wow! You're really force sensitive aren't you little one!" I say to him, astonished. The child grasps onto the womp rat, placing it in his mouth before devouring it. My eyes widen in shock bit before I respond, a shadow appears in front of me.

"Hey! What have I told you about eating things you shouldn't?" Mando says to the child, picking him up.

We both make our way back to the large group of Tusken Raiders and villagers. I climb onto one of the Banthas backs, making sure not to fall off. I do hope we have a plan. God knows what I'm going to tell Luke when I get back. I hope he isn't too worried.

Luke's POV:

Once I had finished shopping for a suit for mine and Y/N's wedding, I decided to come straight home. I walk into the beautiful Naboo building we now both call home.

"Y/N I'm home!" I call out buy I receive no reply. "Y/N?" I repeat bit still no response. I search throughout the house but find her nowhere.

I try to contact her but she must have her com link turned off. Oh kriff, there's no telling where she went. I decide to contact Leia in Hope's to find out where she could possibly be.

"Luke are you okay?"

"Leia! Have you seen Y/N? She's not at home." I finally say, waiting for a reply. "No, she went straight home. Maybe she went to get food or something. I'm sure she's fine. Y/N is a strong woman Luke. She will be just fine." Leia says and I calm down a little.

Oh Y/N, I hope you're not getting yourself into that much trouble.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now