Chapter 51

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Your POV:

After jumping out of light speed, the fleet comes into view. Luke and I both direct our ships towards the opening of the hangar. I take off my helmet, opening the roof if the cockpit. Beside me, Luke does the same.

"Hey Luke! Watch this!" I shout, doing a front flip out of my X-Wing. Luke laughs slightly, proceeding with his decent down the ladders. "Show off."

We both walk hand in hand towards the command centre but stop just outside the door, hearing the leaders rounding up a team to lead a group of rebels to the forest moon of Endor.

"Count me in!" I hear Leia also respond. Luke sends me a quick nod and we both enter the room. "We're with you too!"

The room gasps, muttering to each other. Han, Leia and Chewie all come up to Luke and I. Chewie rushes over to me, embracing me in a tight hug. "I missed you too buddy!" I laugh, trying to breathe through the tight hug.

"Hey, don't go stealing my co-pilot will you? I need him." Han says with a joking tone. I simply roll my eyes, bringing him in for a side hug. I look to my left, seeing Luke and Leia having a separate but quiet conversation. However, I feel a sense of unease coming from Luke.

"I'll go check the ship to make sure it's ready." I state, quietly leaving the room.

As I walk down the hallway, the uneasy, sinking feeling takes over my body again. My hands start to shake and I feel cold. My vision starts to blur and I feel dizzy.

I place my hands out in front of me to try and break my fall but it's no use. I feel my body hit the floor, shaking uncontrollably. Soon, my surroundings fade, leaving me in a dreamlike state.

My eyes open and I'm in a large black room. A chair is in the centre of the room, looking into the vastness of space. Flickers of what seems to be lightning flashes before my eyes. I try to run towards it but as I step my foot foward, I feel myself begin to fall.

I hit the ground beneath me, groaning in pain. I feel sand underneath me and I look around. No, it can't be... I'm back on Tatooine?

I hear a loud screech behind me, turning around to see a giant sand dragon. I turn my body to run but my feet don't move. The sand dragon clamps its mouth around me and I once again find myself in a different place.

This time, I'm in a temple. A jedi temple. But something doesn't feel right. "Ben no!" I hear a voice shout.

Then, I see nothing.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now