Chapter 16

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Your POV:
I start panicking and my body is trembling. As we run through the passageway, parts of the roof start to collapse. Well be lucky to get out of here alive.

"Come on we don't have much time" Han says and I pick up the pace. Not long after, we reach the falcon. Chewie climbs down from the top and rushes in with us.

As I look back, I notice C-3PO rushing on board. He can get annoying that droid sometimes. Not like my old droid I used to have back home when I was younger. BB5 was my favourite droid in the whole galaxy as a child. But after my parents death, I lost him.

I can't force myself to think about my past. That is why I have now given up on being a bounty hunter. I'm now just regular Y/N of the rebel alliance.

We all head straight into the cockpit "chewie prepare for hyperspace" Han orders. Chewie just growls in response whilst messing with the buttons.

"Where will we go Han?" I ask. "Well let's just say I have no idea" he replies. "Great, that's really reassuring" I say. "You got that right" Leia adds.

The ship starts up and we fly out of the hangar just before it collapses on us. Wow, we do have luck on our side.

Luke's POV
I see the falcon fly out of the hangar. I could tell Leia, Y/N, Han and chewie were on board along with C-3PO. I I just hope they find a safe place to go.

Unfortunately I can't go with them. I must do as Ben told me to and go to dagobah and train with the Jedi master if I am to defeat Vader.

I'm back!

Sorry I didn't update at the weekend. I still don't feel 100% better today but I wanted to update.

Sorry my chapters are short and rubbish.

Thanks for reading!

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now