Chapter 24

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Luke's POV:
I watched ad Y/N struggles to breathe. Vader was sick and twisted. How could he harm someone like Y/N?

"Y/N! Please, stay with me...hang's going to be alright!" I shout whilst banging on the glass box she was in.

She looks at me with fear in her beautiful eyes, only to last a few seconds.

"No! Y/N! Please stay with me...I beg you..." I say helplessly. "Please Y/N...I...I love you." I say to her now unconscious body.

"I'm sure miss Y/N will be fine" Vader says coldly from behind me.

I ignite my blue lightsaber and begin to attack Vader. Unfortunately he had the same idea and blocked my blow with his red lightsaber.

Short time SKIP brought to you by my laziness

We have been fighting for what seems like forever now and I'm begining to feel weak.

I am currently holding on to a railing with one hand since Vader chopped off the other. How cruel can he get?

I don't think I'll get out of this one alive...

Your POV:
My eyes quickly dart open. How long was I out? Am I still alive?

As I look around, I notice that I'm in the same room as before, but there is no Vader. Or more to the Luke.

I try my hardest to break the glass open and to my relief, it shatters into pieces.

My mind races and so do I, making my way down the maze like halls. I hear a slight wind blowing in the distance so I follow that.

I come to a room with what used to have a big window looking into a giant void. But...the's broken.

I carefully walk towards the window and what I find on the other side is horrific. Luke was hanging on for dear life whilst Vader watched with satisfaction.

Luke looked up and notices me. Unlucky for me, so did Vader. He used the force to pick me up off the ground and hurls me onto the ground before him, pointing his lightsaber at me.

"Well well, if little miss Y/N isn't here to save her true love. How precious. Shame you won't be around to see him perish." Darth Vader says to me.

"You are mistaken. I may not have my parents anymore, but I still have their heart" I say. "Oh how sad. But what if I told you that they weren't your real parents." He says back.

"No! Your lying. My name is Y/N L/N. My parents are Y/M/N and Y/F/N." I say defending myself.

"I'm afraid not Y/N. Your real mother died a long time ago after you were born. Your father was once a great friend of mine...Obi Wan Kenobi." He says.

My eyes widen. Iv heard of this person. He was a great Jedi. "Your lying. I have never heard of him!" I lie. "Deep down I know you believe me Y/N Kenobi" he says coldly.

I'm startled. Somehow, I know he's right.

He kicks me towards the edge of the platform and I have to hold on. I know my arms will go weak and I won't be able to hold on much longer.

Vader turns to Luke who also looks as shocked as me. "Obi Wan never told you about your father" Vader says.

"He told me enough. He told me you killed him" Luke replies. "No...I am your father" Vader says.

This was by far the worst family reunion ever. "No... that's not true...that's impossible!" Luke shouts. I truely feel for him. His own father wants to kill him.

"Search your feelings. You know it to be true" Vader says. "Nooooooooooo....noooo!" Luke shouts. He must be traumatized.

"Together we can rule the galaxy as father and son. And your little friend can join us too" he says gesturing to me.

"I'll never join you" Luke says in fear. He then does something unexpected and stupid. He jumps off the railing into the dark void.

"Luke!" I shout. God... That kid is always getting himself into trouble. I begin to feel my arms slipping. Vader is about to take me hostage when my hands slip and I fall off the edge.

I think this is the end.

I close my eyes tight whilst screaming from the shock of falling. It is the worst feeling knowing you have been living in the dark all your life, just to find out about your real parents and not be able to see them again.

However, the force is by my side. A hatch opens and I begin sliding down a tube. Another hatch opens which I'm guessing leads to the outside which I am less fortunate for.

I quickly grab hold of the small post. I look up and notice Luke also. He looks terrible. Once again, just like befrore, I feel my hands slip off this time, everything was going in slow motion.

Luke looked petrified and I could tell he was yelling my name. But I couldn't hear his words. I closed my eyes, and accept defeat.

Suddenly, I feel myself hit something hard. Where am I?

I open my eyes and look down. Huh? Why am I on the top of the falcon? A hatch opens and reveals Lando who tells me to come inside which I gladly do.

I tell him that I will help Luke and he accepts that I do it, so he leaves.

"Luke you have to jump!" I shout to him. He looks at me, before jumping. I catch him in my arms safely. I hug him tight and he hugs me back.

"Quick, we have to get you medical attention right away" I say and he nodds.

I'm so glad I have him back.

QOTD: what is your favourite star wars episode?

Hey everyone, I am so greatful for all the reads. It means so much to me.

Love you all💖

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now