Chapter 15

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Your POV:
After a while of talking, I go grab a jacket from my ship because I was cold. When I enter the room I hear Han say to Luke "you look strong enough to pull the ears off a gundark" this made me chuckle. Leia was waiting for me outside the room so when we walk back in, Luke looks at us and says "hi Leia, hi Y/N" he blushes when he says my name. What is going on with him.

" You should have seen us in the passageway yesterday. She expressed her true feelings for me" Han says. "Why you stuck up...half witted...scruffy looking...NERFHURDER!" Leia shouts at Han. "Hey, who's scruffy looking?"

I just start to laugh. " maybe you don't know everything about women" Leia says and does something unexpected. SHE KISSED LUKE! I started to feel a little bit jealous. When Leia looked back at Han, she looked smug. "Yeah well I'm starting to think you don't know me either" Han says. Without warning, Han comes over to me and pushes me up against the wall. He kissed me! Oh god. What will Luke think? On the other hand, Han isn't such a bad kisser.

After about thirty seconds, Han pulls away and I am left to look like a tomato because my face must have been bright red. Han and Leia both walk out of the room.

I look over to Luke who now looks sad. "Hey Luke, are you ok? You don't seem yourself" I say. He just nods his head and I walk out of the room.

Suddenly, the evacuation alarm goes off. I start to panic. As I am running to the hanger, I find myself bumping into Han. He was with Leia. "Come on Y/N that hallway has collapsed. You can't get to your ship. You will have to come with us onto the millennium falcon" he shouts. I nod my head and follow his orders. I hope Luke gets out safely.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now