Chapter 57

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Your POV:

I slowly put one foot in front of the other, walking towards the Emperor.

"Y/N no! You shouldn't have come!" Luke shouts once he sees me. I look down at my feet, not wanting to look at him, knowing that he has a shocked expression on his face.

"Young Kenobi, I knew you would come soon enough. You are weak, just like your father?" Palpatine chuckles ominously.

"I am not weak! My father was a great jedi!" I shout, balling my hands into fists. "Good, give in to your anger. It will make you powerful."

I close my eyes, capming myself down. Soon enough, Luke and I are led towards a large open window and are forced to watch as our rebel fleet fight against the empire's star destroyers and tie fighters.

"This will be the end of your pitiful little band." Palpatine laughs again. My eyes trail over the fleet, watching as our ships are destroyed one by one.

Luke and I turn back around and I look at my lightsaber which is placed next to Palpatine. "Oh, you want this. Take it. Strike me down and give in to your anger." He says.

My heart sinks and I know that I have to act now. This could be my only chance. I reach out my hand, using the force to call my lightsaber to me. I feel the cold metal hit my hand and I ignite the F/C lightsaber. I go to strike the Emperor but before my lightsaber reaches him, he throws me across the room, striking me with his force lighting.

I groan in pain, slowly sitting up. "No!" Luke shouts, grabbing his lightsaber to strike true. However, Vader has the same idea, blocking his attack. Palpatine laughs, "good, good."

Before I get the chance to help, I feel my body fly towards them. Unfortunately I feel as if I have lost control over my body and I am forced to my knees by the Emperor.

"No young Skywalker, kill her. Join us and rule the galaxy." Palpatine offers, looking down at me. Luke grips the hilt of his lightsaber tighter. "I'll never join you!"

Luke and Vader break out in a fight, attempting to strike each other down. I'm forced to watch as Palpatine continues to laugh.

Luke eventually jumps up on a ramp, above everyone else. "Obi Wan has taught you well." Vader says, referring to Luke having the high ground.

The fight continues as Vader throws his lightsaber, causing the ramp and Luke to fall. I try to escape the force grip Palpatine has on me but it's no use. "Don't fight it Kenobi. You shall watch your precious lover die!"

Vader walks through the area across from us, looking for Luke. "If you won't join me, then maybe she will." He says, referring to Leia.

"No!" Luke strikes Vader again and the fight continues. They move towards a bridge and Luke continues to aggressively strike at his father. Eventually, Vader becomes fatigued and Luke manages to cut off his hand. However, there was no hand there. Only machine.

"Good young Skywalker. Now kill him and join my side. Rule the galaxy." Palpatine offeres as Luke turns off his lightsaber, throwing it to the side. "I will never join you. I am a jedi like my father before me."

Vader stands up, taking his place besides the Emperor. I continue my struggle to break free but I still can't move. "Now young Skywalker. You. Will. Die."

Palpatine holds out his hands, sending force lighting shooting towards Luke. "Stop! Argh!" I shout, finally able to escape the force grip. I rush over to Palpatine and stand in front of Luke, taking the hit instead of him.

I collapse to my knees once more, gritting my teeth in pain. I finally fall to the floor and the Emporer begins to strike us both with the force lightning.

"Father! Help us!" Luke cries out as we both wither in pain. "No... No!" Vader shouts, picking Palpatine up, throwing him down a deep hole as he watches him begin his decent.

He collapses backwards as Luke and I crawl towards him. His breathing being affected due to Luke cutting his mechanical hand off. "We have to get him out of here!" I start as Luke and I drag his father towards the imperial hangar.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now