Chapter 18

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Your POV:
As we flew out back into space, we headed straight into the empires trap. Star fighters were waiting for us and they got what they wanted.

"Han, turn this ship around and move into attack position" I say. "Copy that Y/N. I hope your right about this being a good idea". "It's not a good idea Han. It's a great one" I reply with a smirk on my face.

We start firing at the star destroyers and they fire back. "Land on the back of that destroyer and wait until they release the garbage. Then we'll detatch the falcon into space along with the garbage. They'll never know where we went" Han says.

He seems pretty proud of his decision and I don't think it's a bad idea myself.

We have been waiting some time now. Iv been left alone to think about Luke. I sure hope he is alright. I just...I just miss him. His smile, his laugh and even the way he acts when he gets moody.

My thoughts are interrupted when Leia walks back into the cockpit with a smile on her m face. "You okay Leia? You seem awfully happy" I say. "Yes Y/N. Look...can I tell you something?" She asks. "Of course, what is is?" I ask her.

Her smile just grows wider if that is even possible. "Han kissed me" she said. "Well look at you go. Getting up close and personal with the smuggler are we Leia?" I say trying to make her go embarrassed.

She blushes and looks down at her feet. "Oh stop being such a tease Y/N. Besides I know you have a little 'thing' for Luke" she says making my eyes widen.

"I do not have a 'thing' for Luke. Why do you say that?" I ask. In all honesty I do kind of like Luke. I don't know what it is about him. What is wrong with me today? I can't think this. He probably doesn't like me back anyway.

"Y/N, everyone can see that you like him apart from Luke and yourself" she says. I frown knowing she is right.

"Maybe your right Leia. Maybe I do like him a bit. But I haven't known him for long and he probably doesn't like me back" I say taking a deep sigh.

"Oh Y/N, you've known Luke for long enough now. And also don't tell him, but i know he also likes you. I wasn't supposed to tell you but you have a right to know."

That got me. Luke Skywalker likes me back? How could this be. Leia must be joking. "Are you sure he was talking about me?" I ask. She just slowly nods her head.

"Well then, next time I see Luke, I'm gonna tell him how I feel. How I truly feel" I say confidently.

"I knew you had it in you Y/N. I'll always be there for you if you need me. We all will"

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now