Chapter 44

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A/N: Hello there! So I just wanted to say that I am extremely sorry that I haven't updated this story in 3 years. I don't know if you all still want me to keep writing it but I will. The next chapters might seem strange due to my writing style changing. Hope you enjoy!

Your POV:

After hearing the voices downstairs, I sneakily grabbed my blaster which was on its holster. As I walked in the main area, I saw that there was no one in sight. Not even Leia.

"Leia? Leia where are you?" I whisper in attempt to find her. However, before I can take another step foward, I feel the cold barrel of a blaster pressed against my temple.

"You're not going anywhere." A cold robotic like voice warns me. Of course it would be Boba Fett.

He roughly shoved me down the stairs, making sure to keep his blaster pointed in my direction. As we made it downstairs, he roughly shoved me foward onto the floor where I sat before Jabba The Hutt.

Next to him appeared C3PO who begun to translate what Jabba was saying. "The almighty Jabba states that you are to become his slave or suffer a worse fate and be instantly terminated."

My eyes widen and I look behind me at Boba Fett who is still holding his blaster towards me. I sigh, facing back foward, closing my eyes. I begin to slow my breathing, allowing me to contact Luke through the force.

"Plan B has failed. We need back up." I say to him through the force, hoping that he'll hear me. However, just before anything else happens, he replies, "Don't worry. I'm on my way."

Suddenly, I'm lifted off the floor by two of Jabba's other slaves who are more kind to me.

"I'm sorry that you are here. Believe me, you might never leave." One of them says to me. I laugh slightly, knowing that I will be leaving.

"Believe me, I will get out of here. And so will you." I smile at her. She smiles kindly back at me before leading me into a room full of clothing. Very revealing clothing.

"I'm Anaya Enara by the way. Who are you?" She asks, offering me a smile once again.

"I'm Y/N." I simply say, waiting for a reply. She looks at me in confusion for a few moments.

"Do you have a last name or is it just Y/N?" She asks. After a few seconds, I reply.

"Kenobi... Y/N Kenobi."

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now