Chapter 19

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Luke's POV:
I have been training with yoda for a few days now. I sure do miss Y/N and the rest of those guys.

I was in the middle of doing a one handed hand stand when I see a horrifying vision.

Leia and Han were in pain. Where was Y/N? Suddenly I hear a voice "please just leave me alone! Somebody help me!" A voice cries out. It sounded like...Y/N.

Interrupted by my vision, I fall to the ground. "Leia, Y/N and Han are in pain. I have to help them" I say to yoda.

"No. Stay and train you must. Not strong enough to fight Vader you are" he replies.

I give a deep sigh and get ready to fly off dagobah and save my friends. "I promise I'll come back and finish my training" I say. "Luke, you must not face Vader alone. It's too dangerous" force ghost Ben says. "Yes, to Obi Wan you listen" yoda exclaims.

I just climb into my x-wing and prepare to take off. "I'll come back" I say. With that, I head off to Bespin to save my friends.

3rd Person POV:
Luke set off for cloud city. Yoda and Obi Wan had disappointed faces on. "That boy is our only hope" Obi Wan says. "No. There are two others"

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now