Chapter 41

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This is a quick authors note please read.

I'm so sorry for not updating in ages, I have been on holiday and have had no motivation.

Thank you all for over 1k reads!!! It means so much to me.

Love you all!

Your POV:
We have been traveling for what seems like a lifetime and now...I just want to get off this ship.

There's a bad atmosphere in here right now. Everyone seems tense and I don't like it. Do they know something I don't?

Luke and Cody have been glaring daggers at each other the whole time, and let me tell you, if looks could kill everyone on this ship would be dead.

"So" I decide to break the silence. "What's your backstory?" I ask Lyra and Cody.

"Well it all started when we were very young. Our mother and father were both senators. We were just one happy family together. We lived on Naboo in a fairly big house." She smiles to herself thinking of the memory.

"One morning it was very peaceful and to me it seemed like a normal morning...but when I went downstairs, my mother and father were unmoving on the floor. I didn't know what to do so I screamed. I ran and ran to find Cody and when I did we left the house. Found the little town nearby and snook onto a ship, which took us to Jakku. Not the best place, but it was something." By the time she finished her story ber eyes were brimming with tears.

After that no one said anything. I need some air. I can't be in this cockpit any longer.

I suddenly get up to walk out when I hear Luke shout to me. "Hey Y/N, where you going?" I look down.

"I-I just need some air" I reply grimly, walking out of the room.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now