Chapter 35

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3rd Person POV:
Silence. That was what filled the air. Y/N and Luke laid asleep peacefully with no disturbance. Nothing could go wrong. Snap!...

Your POV:
I jolted up when I heard a snapping noise. "Hello?" I ask into the distance. "Is anyone there?" I say again.

Must be nothing, probably just some creature. I decide to go back to my ship to get an extra blanket since I was cold.

As I'm walking I hear another twig snap behind me. My body turns around with one swift movement, but there was still nothing there.

"Okay now this is scaring me" I mutter to myself. I run to my ship and search for my weapon but have no luck. My weapons, there all gone.

I begin to hear heavy footsteps behind me, so by instinct I grab the nearest thing to a weapon I could find. It was a metal pole.

I walk away from my ship and into the darkness. I stand guard waiting for anything.

Suddenly, a gloved hand covers my mouth and I cannot cry out for help. I drop my weapon and struggle to break free.

"Your coming with me" I hear a voice, the voice I dreaded. Boba fett. I struggle for a short time longer until all I see is darkness...

Yoda's POV:
I wake up from my sleep because I feel something terrible has happened.

I walk out of my home to find Luke. "Young Skywalker. Felt a great disturbance in the force I have" I say.

The young learner looks at me. "Where is Y/N? She was at my side last night" Luke says panicking.

"Gone she is. Taken she was" I reply. "Taken? She was taken! By who, who took her?" Luke questions.

"Know that answer I do not. Find young Y/N you must" I say. With that, he runs over to his ship and takes off. I hope he finds her. She is a wonderful Jedi.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now