Chapter 12

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Your POV:
Finally. I am on my way back to the rebel base after what seems like an eternity.

I reach for my communications device and ask for permission to land. After a short time I hear a very familiar voice "Y/N Y/S. You have permission to land. Welcome back" she said. It was Leia.

It had been a while since I heared her voice.

I began to fly blue lighting down into the hangar, only to be greeted with two familiar faces. Han and Leia. They still look the same as before but I don't think Han hates me anymore.

"Welcome back Y/N! We missed you" Leia said. "Well Leia and Luke missed you. Not so much me" Han says after. Well, he is still as stuck up as before.

"I didn't miss you either scoundrel" I say to him, causing him to laugh. That reminds me. Where is Luke?

"Um...Leia?" I say. "Yes Y/N what's the matter?" She asks me. "Where is Luke?" I ask. "I am affraid I don't know. Han said he went to go check on some sort of 'thing' that hit the ground, so I don't know. I'm sure he's fine though". I start to panic. "Han, where the he'll is Luke?" I shout at him for an answer. "I don't know where your so called 'boyfriend' is Y/N!" Han shouted. "What do you mean 'you don't know'." I say. "I mean I don't know." He says back to me.

Oh no. Where could he be...

I hope he's alright...

Of course he is, he's Luke Skywalker and I know he can protect himself. I know he'll protect himself.
Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was really busy and I had no time.
Thank you for so many reads, this is why I am still writing this book.

Love you all x

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now