Chapter 3

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Finally we are getting the the good part. You will meet the heroes of the galaxy.

I'm liking this story so far what about you guys? I have put my other story on hold for the time being so I can focus on this one.

Happy reading!
Your POV:

I was getting closer and closer to Hoth by the minute. It wasn't far away now. I put my ship into autopilot and walked into my bunker. I pulled out my favourite weapon which was an E11 blaster and placed it onto a hook on my uniform. I quickly tie up H/C into a simple ponytail and pick up my helmet that was placed on the top shelf of my cupboard.

As soon as I land, I make my way back into the cockpit to turn off the ship's engine. After that, I stroll down to the front opening of blue thunder. "Right, this should be easy. Let's just get it over and done with" and with that I exit my ship.

Luke's POV:
I was out on patrol with Han as we usually do, and in the distance I notice a ship flying in. It looked a bit suspicious to have an unknown ship like that to be around these parts of the galaxy. "" He looks over at me with a questioning look. "What is it kid?" He said in his usual tone. "I just saw a ship fly into Hoth's atmosphere, I think we should go check it out. It looks really suspicious to me." I hear Han give a loud sigh "okay, but I hope your right about this Luke".

Back to Your POV:
I set off to find the rebel base, following the coordinates Jabba gave me. Only now did I realise how cold it was. It was below freezing. I set foot off blue lighting and begun treading through the knee high snow.

Two updates in one day, you lucky readers.

I enjoyed writing this one for some reason and I don't know why. Probably because I love the empire strikes back. It's my favourite star wars movie.

Thanks for reading my lovelies.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now