Chapter 14

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Your POV:
The hangar doors had to be closed until the morning due to the snowstorm. "I'm sorry miss, but we have no choice. The doors have to be closed" a rebel soldier said. "Well that's not good enough! Two of your best fighters are out there and all you can do is leave them to die?!" I shout.

The rebel walks off to close the hanger doors and I try to stop him until someone grabs hold of me " please Y/N. We don't want to start a fight now do we. He is only doing what's best for everyone" Leia says. "Yeah well I suppose your right, but Han and Luke need my help" I say trying to get to my ship to find them but Leia grabs hold of me. I start screaming and shouting things to tell Leia and the soldiers to let me go.

After a minute of fighting, my body gives up. BANG! The doors were closed, locking us inside and Han and Luke outside. Oh I do hope they are alright.

I storm off onto my ship, not wanting to talk to anyone. Tears stain my cheeks and making my eyes sore. Eventually I cry myself to sleep.

Time SKIP to the morning

I started so stir awake from hearing shouts from the outside of my ship. Could Han and Luke be back? I wonder.

I change into something warmer and head out of blue lighting. What I see is  an awful sight. Han was walking to the medical bay with an almost dead Luke on a medical bed. Oh no.

I rush over to them but I am stopped by Leia. "Please Y/N Luke is fine. Just let him get some rest and we just have to hope he feels better" she says. I nod in response.

After about an hour of waiting we were able to see him. I missed him so much. But will he remember who I am. It's been too long to tell.

As me, Leia and Han walk into the room, we spot Luke awake. Oh thank god for that. He smiles at Leia and Han and then looks at me.

His smile fades. "Y/N? Is that you?" He says. "Yeah it's me Skywalker. Did you miss me?" I smirk. Luke goes a deep red making all of us laugh.

It's been such al long time since I heard people laugh. It felt nice. I could tell that this is where I belong. This is my home. This is my family...

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now