Chapter 71

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Your POV:

For what feels like a lifetime, I sit upon the edge of the grassy mountains, staring out onto the violent ocean. The wind around me brushes through my worn out jedi cloak, almost ripping it from my body.

I'm about to head home to my little hut when I hear two voices I have never heard.

I see Luke walking away from two young women who continue after him. I feel a presence I haven't felt kn a long time.


One of the young women with pale blue eyes and my hair colour turns to face me, her eyes widening.

"Mother!" She runs up to me, pulling me in for a tight hug. I hug back as I watch the other girl follow after Luke.

"Oh my... you have grown into a beautiful young women Padme. Your father and I are so proud." I tear up, placing my hand on her cheek. She wipes away a stray tear on my face and I take her back to the small village Luke and I are living in.

"So... how have you been?" I ask Padme, trying bot to push boundaries.  She sighs and looks down at the lightsaber in her hand. My old lightsaber.

"Okay. I knew I would find you."

"Look Padme, I'm sorry we-"

"It's okay. I inee why you had to do it. I would have done the same." My daughter says, staring at me with her bright blue eyes and gracious smile. I smile back at her, knowing that she will become an amazing jedi.

Time Skip

Luke and I have been training Rey and Padme for a few days now. They are getting stronger. Especially Padme since she had quite a large amount of training when she was younger.

However, all good things must come to an end. Rey leaves the island in search of Kylo Ren, aka Ben Solo. I know there is still light in him. And no matter how much Luke denies it, he agrees too.

Padme is left alone with Luke and I for a while. She finally has completed her training and will go on to achieve greatness.

"Our dear daughter. You have become so powerful. I can't tell you how proud we are of you." I say almost in tears. She pulls Luke and I into a warm embrace and we all stand in a group hug.

"Will I see you again?" She asks, waking towards her ship, knowing that she has to go back to the resistance.

"I count on it."

She nods slightly, jumping into the cockpit of her ship. From the island myself and Luke watch as she flies away into the atmosphere.

"She's amazing Luke. She's grown into a beautiful woman." I say, wiping a tear away as I smile like a maniac.

"Just like her mother."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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