Chapter 10

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Just a quick authors note.

Wow. Thanks guys, I have had 70 reads on this story so far and I'm really greatful. It doesn't seem that much but it is to me.

I think this story could go far, I'll just have to wait and see.
Luke's POV:
I had finally made Y/N come to her sences. She was on our side now which I am greatful for.

It was a quiet ride back to the base. Not an awkward quiet but a soothing one. I enjoyed her presance.

BANG! The loud noise came from the door on the left side of the room. Y/N had the ship in autopilot so we were in the main room. "Open this door and let me go right now or I swearthe last thing you see will be me hauling your ass out of this god damn ship!" I hear a muffled voice say. It sounds like Han.

Your POV:
Oh great. What am I going to tell Luke.

I wonder over to the door and open it, revealing Han who is struggling to break free. This causes Luke to laugh which earns a scowl from Han. "You better let me go now sweetheart" he says. "Alright alright I'm getting you out of here. Just give me a second to untie your restraints" (and leave with the cell door open. Sorry I just had to)

Once I free Han, he storms up to me with a very angry face may I say, and did something unexpected. He punches me in the jaw. Ow that stung, surely would leave a bruise. "That was for giving me that stuff that was in that bottle" he punched me again "and that was for pure fun" he said. Luke tried to calm him down and explain everything to him. Once they came back in to the room, Han asked "where is Leia?" Great, I'm gonna be hated even more now. "She's in that room there. Sorry about your girlfriend laser brain" I say. "She isn't my girlfriend... Not yet anyway" I laugh at his comment.

He opens the door and sees Leia in the same situation as him earlier. He goes to help her but she was having non of that "get off me, I'm pretty sure I can handle myself thank you" wow she sure doesn't like Han all that much. "Wow calm down your royal highness. I'm only trying to help" Han says.

Eventually Luke, Han and Leia all forgive me and want to forget this ever happened.

I was deep in thought when I heard a voice behind me "so what will you do now Y/N?" Luke said. What will I do? I guess I'll just let fait decide. "Honestly Luke, I have no idea. Before I do anything though, I promised to pay someone a great deal of credits for a job they did for me" I said. It was the last of what I had but I had to pay Jabba somehow. "Well don't be too long. I don't want to be by myself around Han and Leia when they are having an argument as usual" ge laughs. Oh how I will miss that laugh.

As soon as we reach the hanger I wave goodbye to the three of them and Luke shouts "will I ever see you again?" Will he? "I don't know Luke. Maybe some time in the future. But for now I'll miss you. I'll miss you all so much. Thanks for the forgiveness and everything else. You have been so kind to me and I don't deserve it. I promise if I come back, I'll make it up to you all." They all nod and I'm pretty sure I see Leia shed a single tear. I board blue lighting waving back to the trio as I retreat into the cockpit.

I do wish I will see them again. With that, I set off back to the outer rim to pay Jabba what I owe him.

Luke's POV:
I do wish Y/N would stay but she has her own path to follow. I just hope one day I will see her again.

I hope we all do...

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now