Chapter 2

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I chose the song control because I thought that it fits this chapter and I love the song.

Anyway, on with the story
Your POV:

It was quite early in the morning and a cold day on coruscant. I got ready to go see Jabba the Hutt, passing the old picture of my parents on the way. Oh how I missed them so much. I only became a bounty hunter to follow in their footsteps. Not just that, to make sure our family name carries on. If it wasn't for my number one enemy Boba Fett I would still be with them now.

Thinking about my parents usually made me emotional, however today was different. I had a job to do. After existing my apartment, I got into my spaceship, blue lighting, and flew off into coruscant's atmosphere.

After what felt like a lifetime, I finally made it to tatooine in the outer rim where Jabba the Hutt lives. I never enjoyed being on tatooine because it's too hot. That isn't the only problem; I hate sand too because it gets everywhere and it irritates me.

In the distance, I spot Jabba's palace and make my way to the giant building.

As soon as I land my ship, I exit the cockpit and open the door exiting blue lighting only to be greeted by the overwhelming heat.

I strolled up to the gate of Jabba's palace and was greeted there by Jabba and his servant Bib Fortuna. Luckily for me, I know their native language so I will find it very easy to communicate. "Hello again Y/N. What brings a bounty hunter like you here at this time of day?" Jabba said. I assume he doesn't know then. "I will be willing to pay you a fair amount of credits if you will assist me in finding the smuggler Han solo" I replied.

Jabba slowly bagan to take me into the palace explaining what he thinks "I will help you in finding Solo if you pay me 50,000 credits" I sigh thinking about it. It's the only option I have. "Ok look Jabba, I will give you the money if you help me find him. But it will need to be done today." He gave a deep laugh like usual and says that he will get to work right away.

About an hour later, Jabba enters the room and speaks to me in his language "I have tracked the millennium falcon to the remote ice planet of Hoth." Great where Solo was, Skywalker would surely be with him. "The ship belongs to Solo which means him and his wookiee will be with it. After you have found them you will bring the money to me. Is that understood?" I nod my head yes. "Thank you for your time. I won't let you down." With that I existed his home and get back onto my ship. I go to the cockpit and sit in the pilots seat. Oh this will be fun, catching a Skywalker and his friends and getting paid in the same day. What could go wrong?
I think this story might get better. I don't know, I haven't had many reads yet and hope to get more.

Sorry if there is any mistakes or errors. If you spot any please let me know.


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