Chapter 63

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Your POV:

We rode across the hot sands of Tatooine, the Banthas leaving their prints in the sand. I wipe the back of my hand across my forehead, getting rid of the sweat which developed due to the burning twin suns.

"We're here." Mando says, breaking the silence. He jumps off his Bantha and I do the same, joining the mixed group of Tuskens and Villagers.

"It's in there isn't it? I sense it sleeping." I say, reaching out with the force. Cobb nods his head and the group all stand staring at the large cave opening of the sand dragon's home.

"So, what's your plan?" I ask, having a rough idea what's about to happen. "We set traps. Place the bombs underneath the sand and when it comes out, we detonate them."

I simply nod my head and we all get to work, digging up the sand and placing the bombs.

I suddenly get a cold feeling and an image of a city full of Stormtroopers flashes in my mind. I feel dizzy for a second but regain my balance and consciousness just as we finish planting the bombs.

The Tuskens set up a few large weapons which look like they will fire harpoons. "That's it. We're ready."

One of the Tusken Raiders walks carefully towards the large cave opening, making a loud screeching noise. The ground underneath our feet begins to rumble and shake.

"It's coming. Get ready." Mando orders and I stare at the opening. I close my eyes, reaching out to the force once more. I feel the sand dragon near the exit of the cave. Just as it reaches the exit, my eyes snap open.


The Tuskens and villagers fire the harpoons, latching them onto the large sand dragon. The extremely large creature screeched in pain but doesn't back away. Instead, it snatches the Tusken Raider who tried to get away but to no avail.

Suddenly, the ropes attached to it start to pull, signaling its retreat. "It's going back in! We need to draw it back out!" I shout, the others pulling on the ropes in attempt to draw it out. Blaster fires rapid fire at the creature, angering it more than it already was.

"Wait! Wait just a little longer." Mando tells Cobb, referring to the detonator in his hand. The sand dragon closes in on us further as the shots are fired left, right and centre.

"Do it."

The detonator is fired and the sand dragon screches and withers in pain, crashing to the ground in a cloud of dust. We all look at one another, no one daring to move.

I take one step towards the smoke but instantly stop. It's still alive!

"Everybody move! It's still alive! Go go go!" I scream, ushering everyone away. The sand dragon screches and begins its charge towards us. I turn around, seeing Mando smash the back of Cobb's jetpack, sending him flying away.

"What's your plan?" I ask and he looks at me. "I need to blow it up from the inside. " he says and I nod. "I'll hold it off. I'm not sure how much I can hold it off for but it should give you enough time." I tell him.

He begins flying towards the sand dragon and I hold my hand out towards it. It freezes, giving Mando enough time to enter its mouth. The creature tries to resist my hold on it but I hold out my other hand, doubling my efforts.

I feel my body gather up so much energy but it leaves just as soon as it comes, draining my body. However, before the sand dragon gets the chance to charge at me, it blows up, instantly killing it.

Mando flies and lands beside me and I let out a sigh.

"Good job."

Time Skip

The Tuskens gathered up what they could from the sand dragon's remains. Cobb walked over to Mando and I, handing us each a large piece of meat, wrapped in parchment.

"Here. This is for you." He says to Mando, taking off the Mandalorian armour. Mando takes it and bows his head, beginning to walk away.

"Mando!" I get his attention. He stops and turns around. "Where you heading next?" I ask, curious.

"I still have to return the child back to his kind. Why don't you come along. You're a strong Jedi and a Mandalorian. I could use the help." Mando says and I look down.

"I used to be a Mandalorian. Not anymore. I am trained as a Jedi and I have to return home. I feel as if there is something not right. Something I need to take care of." I say truthfully, causing Mando to nod.

"Thank you for your help Y/N." Mando says, nodding his head. I smile back.

"Anytime. I wish you safe travels Mando. May the force be with you." I say befor he walks away.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now