Chapter 50

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Your POV:

"Father!" I greet him with excitement and a wide smile. I rush over, eager to speak to him once more.

"My dear Y/N, you have grown so much! You make a fine jedi knight. Your mother would be proud." My father says, confusing me slightly.

"My mother? You've never spoken of her before... why is that?" I question. My father shifts uncomfortably, as if he is reliving a memory he didn't wish to bring forth.

"Your mother was a great women. You remind me of her... her name was Satine."


"Your mother was the light of my life. Not that I told anyone else that. We had our relationship in secret. Your mother was killed not long after you were born. She was a Mandalorian you know. Just like you are." My father says. My eyes widen at all the information.

"Not anymore father. I don't want anything to do with bounty hunting or the Mandalorian anymore." I defend myself. As far as I know, I'm the only living Mandalorian of my time.

"Oh no, dear daughter. I believe you aren't. They are hiding." My father says, reading my mind.

"Hiding? Hiding where?" I ask, wanting him to elaborate. "That I can not answer. You must find them on your own. Or, they will find you."

My heart begins to beat fast, wanting more answers but I sense that I must leave soon to report back with the rebellion.

"You must go now, my daughter. The rebellion needs you. Go show them what a great fighter you are." He finishes. I nod my head, turning to walk away but stop just before I exit the area.

"Father?" I catch his attention once more.

"Yes my child?"

"May the force be with you. Always."

He smiles slightly as I begin walking away. After a few seconds, i make it back to mine and Luke's X-Wings.

"What took you so long?"

"Oh it's nothing. Just catching up you know?" I reply. Luke nods his head, completely understanding. "I think we better get back to the rebellion. I bet they are expecting our arrival soon. Best not to keep them waiting."

Luke agrees, jumping into the cockpit of his X-Wing, starting the engine. I do the same, placing the helmet on my head. Within moments, we are both making our way through light speed towards the rendezvous point.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now