Chapter 52

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Luke's POV:

After the meeting is over, we all begin to disperse. I find myself walking towards the hangar, looking for Y/N.

"Help! I need a medic!"

I hear a voice shout. That's Y/N's friend Anaya shout. I quickly rush over to where her pleas were coming from, noticing a body on the floor. The sudden realisation hits me. It's Y/N.

"Y/N! Come on you have to wake up." I quietly say. After no response, I pick her up, rushing her towards the med bay. Anaya follows me, obviously concerned for her friend.

"I need some help!"

A medic and medical droid make their way over to me. I place Y/N down on one of the empty beds, making sure that she is comfortable.

"What happened?" The medic asks. I look at Y/N, worried about her. "I'm not sure. Anaya found her lying in the hallway."

The medic nods, urging us to leave the room. However, I refuse, staying next to my one and only, holding her hand as the medic and medical droid check her vitals.

"Miss Y/N is in a stable condition. With a bit if rest, she will soon come around." The droid tells me. I nod my head, sitting down in the seat next to Y/N, still holding her hand. I relax a bit knowing that she's okay.

Soon I feel myself fall asleep on the chair, keeping my gentle grip on my girlfriend's hand.

Your POV:

My surroundings begin to clear and I can hear the faint noise of a machine beeping.

I gently pry my eyes open, the light hitting me which causes me to squint. I look to the side noticing Luke asleep in the chair next to me, hand in mine. How did I end up here?

"Y/N, you're finally awake." Leia says, entering the room with Han. She look relieved to see me. "What happened?"

I open my mouth to explain but before I do, Luke wakes up beside me. "Y/N! Thank the force you're okay!" He exclaims, passionately kissing me before pulling away.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"I-I'm not sure... I was fine one minute then the next thing I know, I'm having a series of weird dreams." I say in confusion. Luke and Leia look at each other. "They weren't dreams Y/N. They were visions. What did you see?"

"I-I don't remember much. I was somewhere dark. Cold. I saw a streak of lighting and the next thing I know, I'm back on Tatooine. There was a sand dragon and I swear I saw..."

"Saw what? Y/N what did you see?" Luke asks, waiting for me to continue. My mind thinks for a moment, taking me back to the vision. Just before the sand dragon closed its mouth on me, I swear a saw a man in mandalorian armour.

"It's nothing. But I did have another. I was in a jedi temple. I heard a voice calling out saying 'Ben no!'. What does this mean?" I ask no one in particular.

"I'm not sure. But what I do know is that we have a battle to win. The others and I are heading to the ship for Endor in a few minutes." Leia informs me. I nod my head in response.

"I'll be there."

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now