Chapter 53

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Your POV:

After being released from the med bay, I made my way to the main hangar.

"You weren't going to leave without me were you?" I startle Luke, wrapping my arms around him. "Of course not my love. In fact, I was just about to come looking for you." He replies, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

We both enter the Imperial ship which was stolen from the empire. Upon entering the cockpit, the pair of is sit in the back furthest away from the controls.

Soon enough, we take off towards Endor. "Are you sure this plan will work?" I question no one in particular. "I hope so. The rebellion have risked everything so far. We just need another win to defeat the empire for good." Leia replies.

Time Skip

After our short time spent in light speed, the ship comes across an imperial star destroyer. "Oh no."

Soon enough, the comms went off and an imperial officer, who's name I don't know, asks us for our operating number. Han gives them the code which was stolen from them to aid us in our trip.

"This is not going to work."

"It will. Chewie, stay not too close but not too far from the star destroyer." Han commands Chewie, who feels in response. "I don't know! Fly casual."

Beside me, I feel Luke tense up. "Vader's on that ship." He says and Leia looks back at us. "How do you know."

"I can sense him."

I look over at him with a sympathetic look on my face. He hasn't yet told them about how Vader is his father. "I shouldn't have come. I'm endangering the mission." Luke sighs, deflated.

"No Luke, you have every right to be here. The rebellion needs you. We need you. I need you. You are the greatest revel fighter we have-"


"Shut up Han! Besides, this will work out. The code will work. Trust me." I finish after Han interrupts me. Luke relaxes once more and not long after, our code is accepted and we begin our decent to Endor.

I head towards the back of the ship where the other rebels are hiding. "Okay everyone listen up. We don't have much time on this mission so we need to be as quick but careful as possible. We need to disable the shields on the second death star. That way, our fleet can begin their attack. The controls are situated on the imperial base here on Endor. Once we find it, we disable them for good."

The rebels all nod, understanding everything I just told them. The rear doors of the ship open and we all step off.

I look around me at the mass amount of greenery which surrounds me. Great, this could take a while.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now