Chapter 20

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Your POV:
We were now close to cloud city. It is absolutely beautiful from the outside. I can't imagine how pretty it is inside.

We were trying to get permission to land but we were having difficulties.

"I thought that Lando was your friend" I say to Han. "Well Y/N it's been a long time since I have seen him"

Cloud cars keep asking if we had a landing permit, however Han didn't have one. Great, were in big trouble.

"We're here to see an old friend of mine. Lando Calrissian" Han says getting annoyed. After a few seconds, one of the people in the cloud cars speak. "Permission to land. Welcome to cloud city"

We finally landed and we made our way off the falcon. Han was in front of us whilst me and Leia were stood at the back.

"Well, where is this 'friend' of yours?" I ask Han. "I don't know" he replies. In the distance, I begin to see a door open and it reveals a man in a blue cape and what seems to be his guards.

The man in the cape begins to walk towards us. "Why you slimy, double crossing, no good swindler. You've got a lot of guts coming back here after what you pulled" he says.

Han just looks shocked and points at himself asking if he was talking about him. So I'm guessing that he is Lando then.

Han walks up to Lando. They both hug each other "how you doing you old pirate. You doing a good job of looking after my ship for me?" Lando asks.

"Your ship? Hey...I won that fair and square" Han says to Lando. He just laughed at his comment. "And how you doing Chewbacca. Still hanging around with this looser?" He asks chewie who just growls in response.

Next Lando comes over to me and Leia. "Well hello, what have we here" he says looking at us both. "What is your name?" He asks Leia. "My name is Leia" she replies coldly. He then kisses her hand.

Next, he turns to me. "And what about you? You must have a pretty name for such a pretty lady like you" he says. Ugh I don't trust him at all. I want to just say to him 'hey, could you please stop flirting with me, I find it really uncomfortable'. But I think that I might sound a bit rude.

"My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you." I say putting on a fake smile. Lando kisses my hand. "Well...Nice to meet you Y/N. Now please we must be off. I have invited you all to dinner later. I hope you will be joining us." Lando says.

Him and Han walk ahead of us. This left me and Leia to walk together. "I do not trust that Lando one bit" Leia says. "Yeah you can say that again. He just seems too nice. Something is going on...Something is not quite right" I say.

With that we just follow the two men in front of us. Oh how I do wish Luke was here now. I always feel safe around him. In his arms I feel like the world around me doesn't exist. Only me and Luke... Oh god what am I thinking. He probably doesn't even like me back.

Maybe I am destined to be alone all my life...

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now