Chapter 45

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Your POV:

A few moments later, Anaya helped me into my outfit. I have to be honest, it's not the most comfortable thing to wear. The gold straps on the arms are digging into my skin and the outfit overall is too revealing. Oh I do hope Luke gets here soon.

I'm soon pulled out my thoughts as one of Jabba's guards grab me by my arm, pulling me back towards the main area. However, once we arrive, I see Leia who is also sitting in front of Jabba, looking very uncomfortable.

I try to get free of the tight grip the guard has on me but it's no use. Jabba laughs and begins speaking, allowing C3PO to translate.

"The almighty Jabba says that struggling is pointless. You are his slave now so you must act like it." He translates. I look over at Leia who give me a sympathetic look but all I can offer is a small smile back.

Once again, I'm dragged over to Jabba and a collar of some sort is placed around my neck. Next to Jabba, I notice a small device which has a few buttons on.

Suddenly, my thoughts are distracted by a noise coming from not too far away. A hooded figure makes their way down the stairs, stopping in front of us. Once they pull their hppd down, I see Luke, who immediately makes eye contact with me.

"Luke!" I shout, struggling. But before I can do anything rash, he slowly shakes his head at me, indicating for me to calm down.

"Jabba The Hutt wishes to know why you are here." C3PO translates again. However, rather than listening to the conversation, I decide to plan my escape.

If I can somehow get the collar off without anyone noticing, I'll be able to help Luke with the plan. Well, the new plan since the others didn't work very well.

I slowly reach up, placing my hand on the collar, gently trying to pry it open. But it's no use.

Suddenly, I feel an immense pain kahoot through my body as Jabba presses the button on the remote he was given.

So that's what it does. It's a shock collar.

"Y/N!" Luke screams as he tries to reach me, but before he has the chance to, a hatch on the floor opens up, causing him to fall into a pit beneath the room we are currently in.

The next sound scares me. A loud roar and the creaking of a door sounds out.

This can't be good.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now