Chapter 29

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Your POV:
I have been standing here for about five minutes and still nothing.

Maybe I should just go back, I'm wasting my time getting my hopes up here.

As I am about to walk back to my x-wing, I hear someone quietly saying my name. "Y/N, please don't go" I turn around and become face to face with what I'm guessing is a force ghost.

I am about to ask who he is but I already know the answer to that. "Hello father" I say confidently. "Oh my dear Y/N. My amazing daughter. Look how strong you have become." He says smiling at me, however I do not smile back.

"How could you. You left me alone, gave me away to some random people to look after me" I say quietly. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I had to, to keep you safe and away from harm" he replies looking down with guilt.

The trees loom over us making it hard for me to see. However the only light comes from my fathers ghostlike figure.

"Maybe your right" I say "you put my needs before yours. Like the amazing Jedi I know you were, like you are now"

Tears start to roll down my cheeks and I can't help it anymore. I let out all my emotion. I bottled up my emotions for years. I hate people seeing me cry.

"Please stop crying Y/N. I hate seeing you like this." My father says. "I'm sorry. It's just that all my life I have kept my emotions from the world, now I just can't help it anymore. I'm a mess" I say.

After a minute of crying, I hear Luke in the distance. "Y/N! Are you okay?" I hear him shout. I wipe away my tears. "Yeah I'm fine!" I shout back at him.

I look back at my father. "Go with him  Y/N. I can tell he loves you, just don't let your feelings get in the way. Train with master yoda, become the amazing Jedi I know you will be. Make me prouder than I have ever been of you" he says proudly.

I slowly nod my head and wave goodbye. "Will I ever see you again father?" I ask. " the future." He says and I begin to walk away. Untill I stop and turn around.

"I love you father" I say. He smiles at me. "I love you more Y/N. May the force be with you" and with that I walk back to Luke and yoda.

I'll make you proud father. I will always try...for you...

Sorry for not updating in a while. If just been busy lately.

Thank you to all my readers.

Love you all❤

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