Chapter 17

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Your POV:
After a while of flying, the falcon fell under attack from imperial star destroyers. We soon figured out that the hyperdrive wasn't working so we couldn't make a jump into hyperspace "Don't worry, I'll loose them. I know some manoeuvres" Han says. "Good luck at getting us out of this one solo" I say. "Don't call me solo" I just laugh at his comment.

The star destroyers were gaining on us. "If we want to loose them we will need to fly into that asteroid field" Han states. "But sir, the possibility of successfuly navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3720 to 1!" 3PO shouts. "Never tell me the odds" Han says.

He flies the falcon straight into the asteroid field but we still need to loose the imperial fighters. "Over there, that looks a good place" Leia suggests. In that cave we could perhaps fix the hyperdrive.

We eventually outrun the imperials one we land inside the cave on the giant asteroid.

Han and chewie go to fix up the falcon, leaving me and Leia in the cockpit. "I know you like him" Leia says out of the blue. "What who? Luke? No I don't" I quickly say. "I didn't say anything about Luke. You thought that up yourself" damn. She got me there.

"Well I know you like Han" I say. She just rolls her eyes at my comment.

Suddenly a big creature lands on the glass with a high pitch screech. Me and Leia both simultaneously scream and run out of the cockpit to find Han.

"Han there is something out there. I think it may be minoks but it's too dark to tell for sure" I say in a panicked tone. "Alright, I'll check it out" he says.

Me and Leia both follow him, grabbing an oxygen mask so we could go outside.

The ground of the asteroid was squishy and unstable. "Iv got a really bad feeling about this" Leia says. I have to agree with her on this.

Han spots a minok and shoots it off the falcon. "What the..." Han say getting cut off by the ground shaking. He uses his blaster to shoot the floor. It shakes again. He shoots once more until a swarm of minoks come out of nowhere and the ground shakes uncontrollably.

"Come on, we have to get out of here now" Han orders and me and Leia obey.

As we enter the falcon, the ground keeps shaking, making it incredibly hard for us to move anywhere. "Chewie, start the engines. We're getting out of here".

We set of and fly upwards towards the exit. "Look, the asteroid is collapsing" Leia says. Only it wasn't an asteroid. It was a giant space worm.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now