Chapter 5

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Luke's POV:

Y/N is beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen someone like her. Yes I thought Leia was beautiful but in my opinion Y/N is the definition.

Your POV:
Why was luke staring at me like that? Was there something on my face? I guess he's just curious about me. Well he should be. They know nothing about me being a bounty hunter tracking them down...

My thoughts were are interrupted when we set off on the strange creatures to go to the rebel base.

It is freezing out here. I didn't even have a coat, only my outfit I put in this morning. It was not suitable for this planet.

I started shivering even more until I could barely cope any longer. I felt faint and I know I will pass out. Suddenly I fall off the lizard and into the deep snow. Everything went black....

Luke's POV:
We start going back to our base on our tauntaun's, when suddenly Y/N just collapses and falls into the deep snow. I jump off the tauntaun to check her pulse. She's barely alive and breathing.

"Han we have a big problem!" I shout. "What is it now, kid?" I pause for a moment trying to tell him in the best possible way "I think we need to get Y/N back to base as soon as possible. She passed out and she is barely breathing. I don't think sh will survive any longer" Han just nods and I pick Y/N up and place her on the front of my tauntaun. With that, we quickly ride back to base.

Time SKIP to the rebel base

Your POV:
I suddenly start to wake up, but I don't feel cold. I can feel warmth around me. I open my eyes an panic at what I see.

I'm in some sort of tube filled with warm water, I hope it water anyway. I have a breathing mask over my mouth and I am wearing white underwear. How did I get in here? I begin to see two familiar faces behind the glass, there was also someone I didn't know who was wearing a white jumpsuit. She was stood next to a golden protocol droid and a small R2 unit.

When the others notice I'm awake, Han flashes me a quick scowl whilst Luke was more friendly. He smiles at me and comes up towards the glass I was in. He puts his hand on the glass I suppose wanting me to do the same. I back off because I still do not trust these people.

After a few minutes, I am pulled out and carefully put into a fresh pair of clothes and a robe. A medical droid tends to me and asks if I feel ok. Of course I say yes feeling better now that I'm out of the cold.

I am left to think to myself for 10 minutes, 'I wonder where they put my uniform. I'll need that real soon'. My thoughts were interrupted when Luke, Han, the woman, a wookiee and the two droids walk in.

"Where am I? What am I doing here? Where is my uniform? Who are you?" I quickly ask all my questions. "Wow slow down. Your alright now. I made sure of that" Luke said in his reassuring voice. "You blacked out on the way back to base so Luke here brought you back" Han said to me. I don't think he likes me that much. I look over at the people I didn't know and Han tries to introduce everyone. "The wookiee and partner over there is Chewbacca. The R2 unit is R2D2, the golden droid it C3P0 and the lovely princesses here is-" he was cut off by the woman "I'm Leia Organa, but you can just call me Leia" she is very kind but I can tell she doesn't like Han so much. I like her already.

After a few seconds of processing what she said her name was, it clicked. She was Leia. The third person who I needed to track. This made my job easier.

She interrupts my thoughts once again and says in her kind voice "welcome to the rebel base"

This is my longest chapter so far wow. I'm loving the story so far. What do you think? Please let me know. I would really appreciate the support.

Thanks for reading my lovelies.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now