Chapter 38

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Your POV:
We continue to walk down the long corridor, making turns occasionally. It all looks the same to me. How am I possibly going to find my way out of this one.

I get pulled out of my own thoughts when I realise that we have stopped walking.

"Get in the cell. You will not try and communicate with anyone. Got it?" One stormtrooper asks me. I slowly nod my head in response. Who will I have to talk to anyway?

I hear the cell doors close behind me and the heavy steps fade away. It's not completely dark, only enough light to see over in one corner.

"You won't get out" I hear a voice say, continuing "I have tried to get free for many weeks now, by now I think I have even lost count"

I'm confused. I thought I was the only one in here. "Who are you and what's your name?" I ask.

"Lyra. Lyra Moongazer. I work as a pilot for the rebel alliance. They captured me and took me in. I haven't seen my family ever since" she says saddened.

I know how she feels. "Trust me Lyra I know that feeling all too well. I lost my parents when I was younger. I managed to survive, but my parents didn't make it." I say whilst my voice breaks.

"What's your story anyway?" She asks me curiously. I hate to tell people about my past, but I think now is a good time.

"Well my name is Y/N L/N-" I get cut off by Lyra. "Wait! Your Y/N? The rebel Jedi that everyone talks about back at base?" She asks. Wow, I didn't even know people paid any attention to me.

"Umm...I guess so yeah..." I begin to trail off thinking about wanting to get back to my friends.

"Well Y/N, together I think we will make it out alive." She states. She thinks positive, I like it.

"How do you know that Lyra?" I ask. She laughs as she finds something funny.

"Because we have you"

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now