Chapter 4

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Your POV:

I have been walking for what seems like forever now and there is still no sign of the rebel base.

Just as I am about to give up, I hear two male voices. "Stop right there! What are you doing here?" One said. "Who are you and what do you want?" The other said more kindly than the other. I slowly turn around to be greeted by two people, one was taller than the other but he didn't seem friendly at all. The other was smaller but he was cuter too. He had gorgeous baby blue eyes which stood out to anyone. 'Oh God what am I thinking. I can't like this person, I don't even know him' I thought to myself.

The taller man asked me for my name and I didn't reply. I can't blow my cover now. He had quite enough of my rudeness as it seems because it became angry and threw me to the floor. The person around my age stopped him from hurting me which I was thankful for. "Hey stop it! Don't you hurt her Han!" I froze. 'Is he Han Solo?' This may just be my lucky day.

"What is your name?" The one with the blue eyes asks me. "Y/N. Y/N Y/S." I said whilst shivering from the cold. "Well Y/N, I'm Luke Skywalker and this is Han Solo. Welcome to Hoth." I was right. These were the people I was looking for. Would they trust me?

"Would you like to come back with us? It's getting quite cold out here now" Luke said. I just simply nodded and followed them to there strange looking lizard creature. Luke helped me onto the back of his creature and with that we set off.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now