Chapter 58

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Your POV:

Imperial officers and Stormtroopers rush around the hangar, paying no attention to Luke and I who continue to drag his father towards an empty ship.

"Stop Luke." He says just as we make it to the ship. "Help me take off this helmet... so I can look at you with my own eyes." He says. Luke hesitantly reaches to unlock his helmet, proceeding to take it off.

"My son, I am so proud of you. You too  Y/N. Your father would be proud. The force between you is strong..." he starts but coughs, trying to fill his lungs with air.

"Father you can't die."

"It's too late for me now son. Your sister was right about me. Tell her she... was... right." He finishes as his body turns limp. A tear rolls down Luke's face and he continues to drag his fathers dead body into the ship.

We rush to the cockpit, taking off as the death star continues to crumble around us. We fly towards Endor once more, landing the ship between the trees.

"We should give him a proper send off. It's the jedi way and what he would have wanted." I suggest to Luke, who nods his head.

Time Skip

The dark sky surrounds us as we watch Luke's fathers body burn on the little fire we created. Luke pulls me into a side hug as we stare at the fire.

After the send off, we both make our way up to the tree forts of the Ewoks, greeted by our friends. "Leia rushes over to Luke and I, pulling us in for a hug. "I knew you'd be okay brother. You too Y/N."

"Wait hold on... brother?!"

"Yeah sorry I didn't tell you sooner Y/N. We were kind if caught up in fighting the empire." Luke confesses, rubbing the back of his neck. I laugh at his behaviour, pulling him in for a kiss.

"I love you Luke."

"I love you too Y/N."

The Ewoks and our group of friends all continue to party and dance as music plays around us.

Luke and I walk towards the edge of the tree fort, looking out across the large grassy area. The force ghost of Master Yoda appears and soon after, the force ghosts of mine and Luke's fathers appear. However, looking much younger than before.

They smile at us, causing us to smike back at them before we are dragged back to the celebration.

3rd Person POV:

The galaxy continued to rejoice as the empire was finally defeated. Many planets held huge parties for days.

But after the empire was defeated, a message was left for a group that go by the name of Inferno Squad. Even though the Emperor was defeated, the idea of the empire would never die. And neither did Palpatine...

Your POV:

"Y/N. I want to take you somewhere tomorrow. A planet called Naboo. My mother used to live there and she left her old home to us. We don't have to live there forever, I just thought that-"

"Luke I'd love to! Anywhere you go, I will follow you." I laugh at his nervous behaviour. He pulls me in for a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"Get some rest my love. We will set out for Naboo in the morning." He tells me, laying down beside me in our bunker. I watch the stars go by as we travel through space, slowly feeling my eyelids become heavy after my tiredness catches up to me due to years of fighting for our galaxy.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now