Chapter 9

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Your POV:
After a short time of flying, Luke starts to stir awake. "Where am I?" He says "Y/N? Is that you?" "Yes it's me" I answer him. "Why did you do this. I thought you were my friend" he sadly says. "I'm sorry, I had no choice. I need the credits. I am living alone and mother and father died years ago, they left me with nothing" I say with a tear falling from my right eye.

"Please Y/N. You don't need to do this. I know there is good in you, you just have to notice it" Luke pleads. Maybe he's right. I could change. "But I have no family or friends. No credits and nowhere to go" there was a long pause.

"I'm just so...hopeless" I finally say. "Dont say things like that. I know your not hopeless. I have not even known you for a full day and I already know that you are a strong, independent woman. Y/N, I think you are one of the bravest people out there... I know what it is like to loose family" I felt bad for him. "I lost my aunt and uncle. I never even knew my mother and father. My father was killed by Darth Vader." I stiffen up. Do I'm supposed to bring Luke and his friends to the man who took so many lives.

Without warning, I abruptly turn the ship around and begin to head back to Hoth.

The only thing Luke did was smile at me "I knew you had it in you Y/N"

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now