Chapter 40

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Your POV:
It was Luke. He came to save me.

I ran up to him and embraced him in a hug. He spun me round, setting me back on the ground then pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"I missed you so much Y/N. I thought I lost you forever. I woke up and Y-you were gone. I didn't know if I would ever see you again. You could have-" he panics but I cut him off. "'s alright, were all fine. You will never loose me " I say.

"Ahem" we turn around hearing a fake cough. Oh I forgot about Lyra.

"Sorry to break this passionate moment" she continues "but we need to get out of here" she says.

We both nod and set off running down the corridor again. It was quite quiet until I broke the silence.

"So, Skywalker," I start with a smirk "how do you plan on getting out of this one?" I ask.

"I have my x-wing. Artoo has control of the ship outside ready for us to escape." Luke says to both me and Lyra.

We were nearly at the exit when an explosion goes off next to us. We're in big trouble.

A figure approaches us out of the smoke. They seem to be quite tall. They look male.

"Lyra? is that you?" A male voice asks. "Cody, is that you?" Lyra says back. Does she know this person.

"Yes it's me. I thought you were dead. After the empire took you I thought you were killed." This so called 'Cody' says.

Me and Luke look at each other with a look of confusion etched on our faces. Lyra turns back to us and looks surprised.

"Y/N, Luke. This is Cody. He's my big brother" she says still hugging Cody.

"Well Cody, it's nice to meet you" I say smiling at him kindly. He nods at me, "it's nice to meet you too" he also smiles at me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Luke with a blank expression on his face. Is he jealous of Cody?

I brush it off and say "well, shall we be going then?"

Everyone laughs at me as we continue  to find the exit off this ship.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now