Chapter 23

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Your POV:
I slowly start to feel myself regain consciousness and try hard to open my eyes.

Once my eyes are fully open, I am not greeted with blinding lights like I thought I would be, instead I'm in some sort of clear glass box. It's still big enough for me to move around in, but where am I.

The dull lights don't allow me to see much but I can see what is happening across the room from me.

Oh no. Han was about to be frozen in what looks like a carbon freeze machine. Leia, chewie and 3PO were standing at the side, being held back by some stormtroopers.

Vader just stood there and watched. Even though I can't see his face, I know he feels good about himself now. For splitting us up one by one.

The last words what Han and Leia say to one and other are painful. "I love you" Leia says to Han. But all he can reply with is "I know".

Tears rolled down Leia's cheeks. I can't imagine how much pain she is in from loosing Han just now.

Once the carbon freeze had stopped, Han was pulled out and looked horrified whilst stuck in the carbonate.

"Hes still alive" Lando says. Ugh I hate him. He's a traitor.

Darth Vader gives Han to someone but I can't quite see who since he's over in a dark corner.

The figure emerges from the darkness to reveal...

Boba fett

I hate him. He was the one who killed my mother and father. He is the reason I don't have a happy life. Now he is tearing up yet another.

Leia, chewie and 3PO were being escorted out of the room when Leia sees me. "Y/N? Y/N, you have to get out of here. He's using you against-" before she could finish, she had disappeared out of the room.

Who was I being used against I wonder.

Luke's POV:
I had landed in cloud city and I am now making my way down the many passageways.

I come to an abrupt stop when I notice boba fett waking down a hall with what looks like a person frozen in some sort of substance.

I don't think he noticed me so I walk out. Suddenly I notice Leia, Chewbacca and 3PO being escorted somewhere by stormtroopers.

Leia sees me. "Luke don't no! It's a trap! Vader has Y/N! Go get out of here!" She shouts and the stormtroopers also spot me and begin to shoot.

Could this day get any worse.

Your POV:
All I can do is just bang on the glass. I need to escape before Luke gets here. Vader is using me as his weakness.

Suddenly Luke appears in the room. He neesds to get out of here.

He runs over to me and looks straight into my eyes and I look into his bright blue ones. For a slight second I found peace.

"Y/N I have to get you out of here. Where is Vader?" He asks. My eyes widen as I soon find the answer to his question. Darth Vader is now standing behind Luke. I point behind him to let him know.

Luke slowly trurns around. Vader's heavy breathing fills the room. "Young Skywalker. I see you have noticed that I have miss Y/N" Vader says.

"Let. Her. Go" Luke says. I don't think it will be that easy. Vader engages Luke into a lightsaber fight and manages to get him to fall into the carbon freeze machine.

"All too easy" he says, but just as quickly, Luke back flips out of there, lightsaber in hand.

"Fine. Have it your way Skywalker" Darth Vader says to Luke. He walks over fo the glass box I'm in and pressed a button on the side.

What did that do?

Withought warning, the small box starts to fill with gas. I begin to cough and sputter. I don't think I'll make it out alive.

I begin to find it hard to breathe and soon everything goes black.

Is this the end for me?

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now