Chapter 6

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Your POV:
After about an hour of me being quiet and Leia giving me a tour around the cold base, I finally spoke up, "do you know where my ship is? I left it out in the cold, I was just wondering if anyone brought it into the hangar" I said. Leia nodded "I had Luke bring it back for you. He has taken a liking to you might I say." This comment makes me feel bad. Luke was so nice to me but I had to bring him and his friends to Vader. He will never trust me again after this.

I thank Leia for her time, walking down to the hanger. When I arrive there I see blue lighting. I guess I'll just sleep here for the night...

Short time SKIP to night

The base was quiet by now and everyone was asleep. Now was my chance to capture Luke, Han and Leia.

I grab three viles from my cupboard which had a weird mixture inside. This was supposed to knock them out. I hide them in my pocket and set foot off my ship.

As I was walking, i came face to face with non other than Han himself. Great, my first victim was the one who hated me the most. Well let's just get this over and done with.

"What are you doing out here Y/N. It's too late for someone like you to be strolling around." He said. "I just want to take a walk around if that's ok with you" I replied. I don't think he is buying it though. "No. Tell me why your really here. Since the first time I saw you I told myself not to trust you and this sneaking around doesn't help the way I feel about you one bit" he said in a rude tone. I know what to do. "Ok Solo I'll tell you my real reason I'm here. But you have to promise not to tell anyone. Alright, come here I have to whisper it to you, I can't say it out loud" and with that he bent down to my level and caught him off guard, injecting him with the vile.

Wow. This stuff is strong, he's already knocked out for sure.

I drag Han back to my ship and bound his hands together. After that, I tie his legs up and put him where he can't escape, making sure I lock the door.

Alright. One down, two to go...

Second chapter today!

I'm enjoying writing this story so I hope you enjoy reading it.

Nearly at 50 reads and I'm thankful for this many. I know it doesn't seem a lot but it is to me.

Thanks so much!

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now